Julie Green: The Other Side of the Coin

disabled parking

How many times have you seen someone zip into an accessible parking space, and wondered whether the person genuinely needs it? Well, unfortunately, some people selfishly abuse the few systems intended to make life a little easier for those with disabilities. 

Other times, people jump the gun, and very occasionally those snap judgments come back to bite them in their ignorant backsides. 

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marathon mom

As moms go, Michelle Gentis is a pretty remarkable one. Not only is she training to run a full marathon, she's going to do it while pushing her wheelchair-bound son.

It's largely the Vancouver-based mom's 'can't beat 'em, join 'em' attitude that sparked her desire to run with her son, Joshua, who is severely physically disabled.

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fobie friends

What were you most afraid of as a child? For children's book author Leslie Miller, it was the 'black panther' lurking in the hall at night... While childhood fears may seem silly once we grow up, at the time they can feel momentous and debilitating. That's why Fobie Friends has created a new series aimed at empowering kids to "find the fun in facing your fears."

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Down syndrome model

Talk about inspiration. A clothing retailer whose slogan is to fit in while standing out has just found its perfect face in Karrie Brown, a teen with modelling aspirations, who also happens to have Down's syndrome.

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Whether it's playing chauffeur, ferrying your child to after-school activities or special therapies, dealing with the umpteenth meltdown of the day, or just figuring out what the hell you're going to throw together for dinner that's vaguely nutritious, being a parent is freaking stressful. Doubly so if happen to parent a child with special needs.

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Top ADHD Bloggers

We are not islands

adhd blogger

Whether or not you believe that ADHD is overdiagnosed and overprescribed, millions of kids in the U.S. and Canada suffer from attention deficit disorder. And with the school year ahead, many will struggle to succeed.

Having any child with special needs can be isolating and challenging. Luckily there are some bloggers out there sharing their awesome tips and personal stories to make you and your child feel less alone.

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How to Transition Your Special Needs Child to School

Back to school. Three words that evoke dread in many kids, and even doubly so in parents who have kids with special needs. Most of last year—my son's first—was spent floundering and getting to know a tricky public system. While there were some ups, my son's introduction into school life was a fairly rocky one.

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Learning To Look Through The Autism Lens

I wouldn't change his essential nature, even if i could

autism lens

They say the key to a happy relationship is to accept, and never try to change, your partner. It's easier said than done (especially for those with a 'fixer-upper' mentality). I'd go one further and say the same applies to children with special needs.

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Imagine never hearing a baby laugh or a bird sing or the words, "I love you." Imagine never hearing a single song. The world may be a cacophonous place at times, but there's no question that sound makes life richer.

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Survival Tips For Special Outings With Special Kids

Don't be limited by your child's limitations

is melatonin safe for kids

In special needs circles, it has been touted as the miracle sleep cure. But is melatonin actually safe for children? Pediatricians aren't yet convinced.

Many people have trouble getting a decent's night sleep, myself included. When I first heard about melatonin, it sounded too good to be true. A pill that would help me ease into the land of nod, and stay there. And it was natural, to boot. What's the catch, I asked. Well, seemingly none.

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As someone who spent much of childhood with her nose buried in a book, I can't imagine a life without reading. After all, reading made me a writer, and to this day I adore being able to lose myself in a great story.

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What Is It Like To Have Autism?

Welcome to Carly's Cafe...

Carly's Cafe

Ever wonder what goes on in the mind of someone with autism? Most of us will never know. But thanks to Carly Fleischmann, and an award-winning video set in a cafe, we are one step closer to understanding.

What should be a simple transaction—buying a cup of joe—can be fraught with anxiety and sensory overload for someone on the spectrum.

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Having a child with autism can be mystifying. If my husband is from Mars and I'm from Venus, then my son is surely from Neptune...

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Quit Picking On Dad

His Chance to soar

The times they have a-changed. Modern fathers aren't the bumbling, fumbling men we often make them out to be. With so many dads taking a more involved role in childcare these days, it's time marketing departments—and the rest of us—quit portraying them as incompetent dolts.

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The High Cost of Autism

Together We Are Better

As many of you know, my wonderfully charming 4-year-old son was diagnosed with autism. The past year has been a real uphill battle—with some peaks, and many trenches—to get him the support he needs.

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Drunk Mom: The Ultimate in Overshare

Is Brutal Honesty always the best policy?

No doubt about it, we're in the thick of the overshare age. TMI is a risk many of us who put ourselves out there online take willingly and daily, outing our personal demons for virtual strangers to see. We relish the support we find at the other end of a computer.

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Should I Raise My Child With Religion?

The Greatest Spiritual Gift of All

After a near miss faux pas (whereby I almost signed off an email wishing a Jewish acquaintance a 'Happy Easter'), religion is at the fore of my thoughts.

Though we were both raised Catholic, my husband and I made a conscious decision to eschew religion when raising our son. At the risk of facing the ire of in-laws, we decided not to christen him or to subject him to regular mass or sacraments. He is attending a public school.

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