Julie Cole: The Baby Machine


Have A Big Family? Use Facebook To Survive Summer!

Big School Breaks and Big Families

For the average MoFo (Mother of Four) or MoM (Mama of Many), summer presents unique challenges. This is mostly because we have SO MANY DARN KIDS hanging around. So while we get to celebrate not having to pack school lunches, this also means that our kiddos are no longer out of our house for six hours a day, compliments of our government.

So, mamas, I present you with one amazing reminder to help you survive the summerwhen the kids are all bickering, when you’re hearing, “I’m bored!” coming out of the mouths of several children simultaneously, and when you think summer is never going to end, simply look at a lovely picture of your beautiful lot and repeat to yourself:

“Well, at least a lot of kids make for a fabulous Facebook cover photo. So, there is that.”

Then go on Facebook and change your cover photo as needed, so that everyone gives you “likes” and tells you how lucky you are to have a beautiful crew of kiddos. Because while on most days we know how lucky we are, on other days it’s sometimes good to have a reminder.

I post this when my fourth child is getting on the nerves of her older siblings. Look at how adoringly they gazed at her once upon a time:

I post this when I need to be reminded of all the good and simple fun they have together and all the memories they are constantly making as a sibling team:

I post this when they smell like dirt and I wonder if they’ll ever all be clean at the very same time:

I post this when I need to be reminded that family trips and adventures are so much easier now that they’re older:

I post this when I think a summer activity is hard work. This reminds me that any summer activity requires less equipment and organization than skiing:

And I post this when I need a reminder that five years ago I was covered in babies and small children, and in the blink of an eye they are growing up:

Have a great summer! You’ll likely not hear from me until September. My kids may let me near the laptop before then, but I won’t hold my breath.

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