The kid's school had its winter concert this week. Her class performed three songs and it was, as you'd expect, adorable.
One song in particular warmed my heart so I asked her to sing it again at home so I could share it with you. Shameless? Youbetcha. But this is what memories are made of folks, and technology today being what it is (read: readily available), I recorded it for posterity.
If the image of two dozen four-year-olds pointing their fingers at the crowd and screaming "Gotcha!" in (relative) unison doesn't make your heart grow two sizes... well I don't want to know you.
Shot in the Dark: How to Photograph School Holiday Concerts
It was our first ever school holiday concert as parents and I fear the kid has set too high a bar for herself. How is she ever going to top this gem? I assume it'll require lasers.