Joe Boughner: The Naked Dad


Bedtime for Toddlers is Hell—And Yet

One of my favourite bedtime routines is fading fast

I'm not going to say bedtime is a good time. Anyone who has ever parented a toddler or pre-schooler will know that is a pile of crap.

But with all the madness that comes with trying to establish a bedtime routine, there have always been a few constants in our house. Once she's settled into bed with her PJs on and a snack in hand, Mommy reads a story or two, Grandma reads a story or two (my mother-in-law lives with us) then it's Daddy's turn. I do a story, I switch her sun/moon clock to night mode, turn off her light, pull up her blankets, sing her a song and kiss her good night. 

There have been deviations here and there (sometimes someone isn't around for their part in the routine) and the end isn't always the end ("but I need a drink of water," "but I need to go potty") but it was a pretty constant routine for us for most of my daughter's life. And it was a routine I really enjoyed. I even went so far as to record myself doing my stories and songs for my wife to play when I travelled for work, though that was more of a flop than anything

But lately? 

"What song are we singing tonight, kiddo?"

"No song, Daddy."

"Can I give you your kiss good night?"

"No thanks, Daddy."

Maybe it's a phase. Or maybe it's a natural part of her maturation. But damn it, I miss my song and kiss.