
We Bought A Mini-Van


We Bought A Mini-Van

Five Symptoms of Parenthood

5. At times when a cloth isn't available, you've rubbed the spit-up INTO your shirt to get it "clean"
4. Your child is better dressed than you 
3. You cry harder than they do for ____(insert a thousand various scenarios here)_____
2. You worry about them. Constantly. Forever. Always. 
1. You own a mini-van.
Until recently, I could only tick four of these things off of my Parenthood list. But that's right ladies and gents, the time has come. I can now tick #1 off of my list:
I'm so freaking excited. It's the good old generic Grand Caravan, and I couldn't be happier. We looked at other brands and models, but we just couldn't beat the price or the reviews. It has stow-and-go seating and that addictive new car smell. And when I drive it, I feel like a king on the road. I can SEE and I have POWER. It makes me think maybe I should tint the windows, get a fuzzy dice for the rearview, and perhaps install some hydraulics. I'll listen to really crappy bassy music and crank it loudly with my windows down. Yeah. Totally. I'm so going to do that. (So *not* going to do that) 
But this idea puts me in mind of one of my favourite marketing videos of all time—it's an oldie, but a goodie. I remember when this video first came out, my friend emailed me (back before facebook, and twitter—when people actually communicated this way. *gasp*) and she said "Oh my god Jen, I could soooo see you making this video!" I was instantly sad that I wasn't a part of it's creation, but love(d) it nonetheless.
Alright, well I have some groceries to do, and some errands to run. And a few friends to pick up for coffee. And a dog to drop off at the groomers. And a few large items to take to the post office. And guess what? I can do it ALL IN ONE TRIP because...thats right bitches....(excuse the profanity. I was a bad-ass in a previous life)
I HAVE A MINI-VAN!!!!!!!!!!
*Annoying Finger-Snap Motion* 
*Walks away with pants hanging off of bum*

Welcome to the World of Solid Foods


Welcome to the World of Solid Foods

We have officially entered the "stinky poop" phase. Gone are the days of relatively odourless diapers (thank goodness for my Diaper Genie) because we are onto solid foods at the Warman residence. And if you're a parent, you know that solid foods = a stinkin' mess. In every sense of the word.

When Cole was 4.5 months, we very slowly started introducing rice cereal. He loved the texture and taste, but the high amounts of iron didn't agree with his digestive system. So we added pureed pears. That seemed to help things a little. Then bit by bit, we added a few more fruits and veggies. Each time, we'd get the camera ready and document the experience, "Okay, now Cole tries peas for the first time!" and we'd send the video along to our moms (who would then forward it to every family member across the country.)

"Look! My Grandson tried PEAS for the first time. PEAS people!!!" (I apologize Uncle Wendell in Waterloo and Great Grandparents in Kindersley. I know you love us, but could probably not care less.)

However, to us, solid foods is a fun new adventure! I seriously get excited to see his expression whenever he tries something new. And since I'm sponsored by Playtex, I have a variety of all their newest products which Cole and I will be trying in the weeks and months to come!

So far, here is what he's had and how he's felt about it (and what he ate them with):

 Rice Cereal - Yum!
 Pears - Five Stars
 Apples - Loves
 Sweet Potato - Delicious!
 Broccoli - Absolute favourite
 Avocado - creamy awesomeness
 Peas - Meh
 Carrots - Slightly-above-meh
 Banana - loathed the first time, enjoyed the second time
 Oat Cereal - Enjoys, but may be allergic to (still trying to figure that one out)

In terms of preparing Cole's food, we like to puree everything first, and freeze it in an ice cube tray (this is an awesome mom-shared-tip that I love. Great for portioning and freezing). Then we set Cole up in his high chair, throw a bib on him, and grab our Playtex infant spoon cuz it's our favourite (seriously, I sift through the other generic ones cuz I like these ones best). They have a long handle, and curve downward at a perfect angle to fit into his mouth. They have a rubber surface so when Cole chomps down on it (he's teething) it's soft on his gums. Never before would I have paid so much attention to the details of a spoon (hence the drawer full of other generic ones) but I seriously love this product.

I also really like the Playtex mealtime bowls because they have a great rubber grip on the bottom so they don't slide all over the table—especially since Cole likes to reach for everything in sight. Once he gets older and can eat from the bowls himself, I'm sure he'll also like the cute truck designs on them as well.

I'm also excited for him to use the First Sipster and his Lil' Gripper cup. He's still a little young to understand how to get liquids out of these cups yet (I tried, and he just shook them upside down) The good thing is, it's true—they're leak proof! haha

Anyway, it's dinnertime and I have a hungry and growing boy to feed. Tell me, what does mealtime look like at your place, and what foods does your little one enjoy?

Also, if you want to check out Cole and me in a recent CityTV interview, you can see us in action using our favourite spoon! (the interview, however, was not about the spoon.)


It's Hard Being The Mom

Sometimes I Wish I Could Detach Myself From My Boob

It's Hard Being The Mom

I love being a Mom. I am very fortunate to have a happy and healthy baby who I formed a strong connection with instantly. I have a very strong support system, I receive a lot of help, and am surrounded by love. Yet, I am still finding myself exhausted and overwhelmed at times.

The bottom line is: It's hard being The Mom.

No matter how much The Dad helps, no matter how much The Grandparents help - it always comes back to The Mom. 

Mom has the boob (if you're breastfeeding). And Mom has that comforting smell. Mom is just Mom, and sometimes nothing else will do.

Don't get me wrong: I love this. I love that I can comfort my son like no one else. I love that I get to see him do his "dream suckles" and smile in his sleep. I love the way he reaches for my hand, and tries to suck my chin (I tell myself this is a kiss.) 

But sometimes, I wish that I could detach myself from my boob for a few hours - or a day (gasp!) and go out with my friends, or go to a yoga class by myself (yes, I can pump, and yes I do this from time to time: but it requires effort and planning.) And more times than not, that effort and planning is more exhausting and counters the fun I would have at the pub or gym - so I just don't go. 

I know a time will come (when I stop breastfeeding and my son sleeps through the night) when I can have a bit more freedom and a bit more "me time" but by then, I'll probably be pregnant again and the cycle will start all over again (haha, I'm not trying to be pessimistic - but it's true. I want more babies) And I'm not complaining (really) I'm just exhaling an exhausted sigh, and saying it all out loud because I know that many of you know what I'm talking about.

I wouldn't trade this experience for the world - and the benefits greatly outweigh the challenges, but sometimes you just get worn down. Sometimes you just get exhausted, and sometimes you just need to admit that it's hard being The Mom.

It also feels good to hear your husband say it. And have him rub your back. "You're doing an amazing job. I love you so much. I don't think I could do what you do." And then somehow, you feel re-charged and re-fuelled. 

"Thank you. I needed to hear that today."