Jen Warman: New Freakin' Mummy


I Snuggle the $hit Out of My Kids


I Snuggle The $hit Out Of My Kids - Why I'm an Affection Junkie and I'm Not Afraid to Admit It | Parenting |

There is something you should all know about me: I love hugs. If I've just met you, and you seem even remotely nice, I'll probably hug you.


If you're one of my close friends, it's very likely that I'll pet you. Repeatedly. And if you're one of my kids? It is 100% reasonable to assume that I'll take every opportunity I can to squeeze, snuggle, tickle, kiss, or pet you. I can't. Get. Enough. 

And yes, I respect my children's wishes when they're not in the mood for a hug or a kiss... but 0.5 seconds later, I'm following them around like a lingering fart - just waiting to be recognized. 

"Want a hug now?"

Maybe I'm needy. Perhaps. But I've been called worse. 

You know how most people get a little creeped out by the book "Love You Forever" by Robert Munsch because the Mom drives across town with a ladder to climb into her adult son's room and rock him while he sleeps? Well, I see absolutely nothing wrong with that. 

Except for maybe the fact that the elderly mother has to carry the ladder each time. I say, just leave it up at the window for the next night! 

I Snuggle The $hit Out Of My Kids - Why I'm an Affection Junkie and I'm Not Afraid to Admit It | Parenting |

Yes, this whole "snuggle thing" it's a bit of an obsession. But 99% of the time, my kids are totally into it and initiate the snuggles too.

And I have a parenting motto that goes something like this: "I made you, so... too bad." I'm still working on the exact phrasing, but you get my point.

Honestly, I'm just fully taking advantage of this time, because I know that there will be a time very soon when they no longer want to curl up on my lap or fall asleep in my arms. The fact that my 3.5 year old still lets me dance him to sleep sometimes is amazing (plus, it contributes to my mom-arms... and future back problems).

Whatever. It's worth it.

I just love my kids so much that I want to burst sometimes, and there is no other way to express it. (I also need the snuggles to counter the times that I burst from frustration, so...)

And now, this is the part of the blog post where I indulge myself with sweet snuggling photos of my adorable and sweet kids. Feel free to judge me just a little right now for being so over-the-top-mushy and publicly cheesy. But I really don't care. This is my blog. "I write it, so too bad." Hmm. Looks like my parenting motto and blogging motto are pretty much the same.

I Snuggle The $hit Out Of My Kids - Why I'm an Affection Junkie and I'm Not Afraid to Admit It | Parenting |

I Snuggle The $hit Out Of My Kids - Why I'm an Affection Junkie and I'm Not Afraid to Admit It | Parenting |

I Snuggle The $hit Out Of My Kids - Why I'm an Affection Junkie and I'm Not Afraid to Admit It | Parenting |

I Snuggle The $hit Out Of My Kids - Why I'm an Affection Junkie and I'm Not Afraid to Admit It | Parenting |

I Snuggle The $hit Out Of My Kids - Why I'm an Affection Junkie and I'm Not Afraid to Admit It | Parenting |

I Snuggle The $hit Out Of My Kids - Why I'm an Affection Junkie and I'm Not Afraid to Admit It | Parenting |

I Snuggle The $hit Out Of My Kids - Why I'm an Affection Junkie and I'm Not Afraid to Admit It | Parenting |

I Snuggle The $hit Out Of My Kids - Why I'm an Affection Junkie and I'm Not Afraid to Admit It | Parenting |

I Snuggle The $hit Out Of My Kids - Why I'm an Affection Junkie and I'm Not Afraid to Admit It | Parenting |


And look...they like to snuggle each other too :) 

I Snuggle The $hit Out Of My Kids - Why I'm an Affection Junkie and I'm Not Afraid to Admit It | Parenting |