Jen Warman: New Freakin' Mummy


Preparing For A Trip Across The Country With A Toddler


On Saturday, we are leaving for a family trip out west! And guess what? Despite all of the stresses of travelling with a baby across the country (gulp) I am prepared!!! (sort of...not really...just go with it)

I've anticipated every single problem (sure) and have come up with reasonable solutions. If you don't know me, I am a very reasonable person. See?

THE PROBLEM: Being on a plane for 4 hours with my extremely active 16 month old. The one who can't last in the car longer than 30 minutes without lashing around like a bucking bronco, "let me out of here."

THE PLAN: A goody-bag full of new and homemade fine motor activities. I bought this toy (because he's obsessed with snapping buckles), and will be making something like this to keep his little hands busy. I'm also packing myself some Gravol, and plan to consume as much wine as the Flight Attendants will allow. I'll wear a t-shirt that says, "If my child is annoying you, I'm sorry. You probably should have flown first class. Sorry about your luck."


THE PROBLEM: A two-hour car ride AFTER the four-hour plane ride that will take us to our Prairie destination.

THE PLAN: More Gravol, but this time, for the kid. (Joking. Somewhat...)


THE PROBLEM: Travelling with an infant car seat that is the approximate weight and size of a Smart Car. 

THE PLAN: I have two plans:

Option A) Do more push-ups.


Option B) Feed my son a ton of growth-hormone-super-power-infused-spinach so he turns into a large enough human and won't require a car seat by the time we leave for our trip...In three days.


THE PROBLEM: Having to toddler proof everyone's house that we stay at during our whirlwind family adventure!

THE PLAN: Instead, I'll toddler proof my toddler: wrap him bubble tape, slap a helmet on his head and he'll be good to go!


THE PROBLEM: Finding a trustworthy babysitter in a city where we don't know anyone when we attend a family wedding...

THE PLAN: Hype my kid up on caffeine so he won't need to sleep that night and he can party with us instead.


THE PROBLEM: I don't really have a problem. I get to spend 10 straight days with my amazing son and lovely husband.

THE PLAN: Enjoy the shit out of each moment. Even if travelling might be uncomfortable/awkward, at least I didn't have to carry him on my back all the way across the country. That would be pretty exhausting...


If you enjoyed this story...or list...or rant...maybe you'd like to hear about my solo train-travelling adventure with my son when he was just six months old? Or maybe, you'd rather read about my boobs? Just wanted to give you some options... ;)