Hey there! Remember me?!?
If you’ve been wondering why my posts have been few and far between over recent months, just take a look around you.
Managing the re-branding, re-design, and re-building of the YMC site has been a labour of love for me that began almost a year ago, kicked into overdrive mid-summer and took over my life for several weeks before our launch. A project this big exercised all of my organizational muscles and tapped out my planning prowess.
It involved…
In an effort to manage my time and prioritize my responsibilities so that I was able to see my family, something had to give and unfortunately it was my blog that suffered. :(
But the timing has been perfect. We launched the new YMC on December 10, giving me two weeks before the holidays to catch up on my regular work that had been piling up. Now I’ve spent some amazing focused quality time with Mr. Org and The Kid over the Christmas break and was even able to organize my house a bit. Things are back on track just in time for 2012.
I’m glad that the new site is alive and kicking.
I’m glad to be back from my blogging hiatus.
I’m glad that it’s a brand new year.
Happy New Year!