Gav Martell: He’s in the Kitchen


Skip The Cone: 8 Things You Can Make With Ice Cream

Cone-free since '93

The weather is heating up, which means it's time to start thinking about some cool treats. Ice cream, frozen yogurt, and icee treats are finding their way into people's shopping cart and into their freezers. Here are ten great ways to have some ice cream treats that don't involve a cone!

  1. Bananas Foster Cake Recipe
    Cream cheese ice cream, bananas sauteed in rum, and banana cake smothered in chocolate sauce? Um...Yum!

  2. Two-Bite Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe
    Let your kids get in on the action helping squish together these tasty treats.

  3. Jack’d Nectarine Ice Cream Sundaes with Pound Cake Croutons
    Fresh summer nectarines, pound cake croutons with a Jack Daniels drizzle. Lord have mercy!

  4. Neapolitan Ice Cream Birthday Cake
    Store bought ice cream cake can be prohibitively expensive. This easy homemade version is sure to do the trick.  

  5. The @alimartell Milkshake
    I love making food that my family and friends will love. This adult spiked milkshake was thought up for my wife Ali to enjoy on a rainy Sunday.

  6. Hot Ice Cream Waffles
    If you've been to a fair or exhibition in the summer months, you're definitely familiar with this tasty treat. Nothing fancy—simply delicious.

  7. Daily Apple's Snow Storm
    Don't have the time to run out for a late night treat? Whip this version together at home in no time flat.

  8. The Monkey Joe Morning Shake
    Running out the door in the morning doesn't mean breakfast has to be limited coffee and a bagel. This protein-packed treat will get your morning off to a great start!