Every year our teachers' gifts get a little different, but it’s always the same story — once we bring them to school there is sure to be another gift that’s almost the same. It’s hard to find something unique for teachers that they can actually use but this year, it’s going to be different!
Teachers today need something more than chalk and crayons. They’re teaching in the internet age, with kids who are more tech savvy now than they ever were before.
Flash drives are one of the handiest devices that a teacher can use. The good news is that drives are bigger in space, smaller in size and more affordable than ever before, plus you can get very cool ones like this that will show just how tech savvy AND cool your teacher really is.
Nowadays teachers and school have dwindling budgets to deal with, and sadly that means that more and more things teachers need for their classrooms are bought with their own money. Gift cards for places like Best Buy, Kobo, iTunes, and Chapters are perfect for them to get something they can use in their classroom, as well as for themselves.
If you have a teacher who is a photo nut, extra photo memory cards are a godsend. You can never have enough of them, especially if you're one of those awesome teachers who captures amazing moments in the classroom and on field trips.
You know all of those field trips that you went on and took dozens of photos of? Put them all together into a photo slideshow for your child’s teacher. It’s a beautiful gift full of fun memories of the kids and a special day.
A few weeks ago I created this pinterest board and dedicated it to the teachers that have been a part of my kids’ lives. I found cool and interesting pins that would make the teachers laugh, smile, be inspired and show them how much I appreciate what they’ve done for my kids over the years.
And finally, my personal favourite tech gift for teachers:
Let the kids think of something fun that the teacher would like to use for a website name. It’s a fun and unique gift for the teacher, plus the kids will not have to be coerced into checking out what the homework assignment is on You can register a domain name at GoDaddy or Netfirms for as little as $5 — it's the gift that keeps on giving.
Those are some of my favourite tech-gift ideas, no baking, crafting or artistic ability involved. Whew!
Looking for some more great end-of-the-year teacher gifts? Click here!
What do you like to give your children's teachers for an an end-of the year gift? Tell me in the comments below — I'm always looking for new ideas!