How do you know a newbie couple? They're wrapped around each other like pretzels.
And it's one of the reasons newbie sex is fantastic; as the abundance of couple touch means they're already jacked-up and good to go when it comes to bedroom time.
Touching is one of the easiest ways to create intimacy outside of the bedroom.
Unfortunately, the busier a woman gets the more likely she is to delegate touching to bedroom time. BIG mistake.
Touching heals, soothes, and helps us feel connected during the good and not-so-good times in our relationship.
It's easy, F-R-E-E, and makes us feel good. So why in heaven's name do we stop?
Affectionate touch every day is a simplest way for a woman to stay connected to her body and it keeps an intimate bond between the couple.
That way when sex is initiated, touch is no longer a sensory overload for her.
Make it your goal to affectionately touch your partner every day and see where it leads. I'll bet my mortgage you'll be much happier as a person and as a couple.
It's just that simple.