Dr. Trina Read: Beyond the Bedroom


Show Your Partner You Care with Small Romantic Gestures

Small gestures quickly add up to long term couple happiness

A touch can say a thousand words. A touching gesture or heartfelt comment only takes seconds and yet can go a long way to keeping a couple close.

Look for ways to show each other how much you care.

Small, affectionate gestures done every day can help create intimacy outside and inside the bedroom.

Why is this so important to a happy sex life? Intimacy being the glue that holds a couple together through thick and thin and will keep your sex life on the radar.

Here are a few ideas that you can do:
 Tell her how beautiful she is
 Kiss each other before you leave the house, and then (yes, you guessed it) kiss each other when you return
 Turn off the TV/ computer/ phone and give her each other full attention
 Call her during the day just to tell her you’re thinking about her

Over time you'll see how these small gestures will add up to an incredible amount of couple happiness.

I'm always looking for good ideas so let me know what is your favorite way to show your partner that you care?

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