Dr. Trina Read: Beyond the Bedroom


Make Time to Massage Her

Where Foreplay is King

There's a reason why every sex expert under the sun says, "Foreplay, foreplay, foreplay."

In our hectic, stress-induced world, women get wrapped up in her never ending to-do lists and become disconnected from her body.

Foreplay helps couples to reconnect with each other, their bodies and gets them juiced-up and into the lovemaking experience. Imagine, just ten minutes can mean the difference between mediocre sex and fantastic sex.

Massage is such an easy way to create a fantastic foreplay experience as the soothing touch provides the gateway for her to focus on her sexual pleasure.

Giving her a massage doesn't have to be an hour-long affair with candles and massage oils; a ten minute hand or foot massage will provide similar results.

Don’t worry if you’ve never done this before; making the effort and doing your best is what matters.

Keep in mind: remove any ideas of having sex once the massage is done: give the massage simply because she’ll love it. If anything else happens afterwards, great! But don’t expect more than a smile and thank you.