
7 Tips to Support Your Child Through a Bedwetting Phase

Survival Strategies To Get You Through

7 Tips to Support Your Child Through a Bedwetting Phase

bedwetting phase

Does your kid wet the bed? If you’re like most parents, you've chalked it up to a normal phase your child will eventually outgrow. And you're probably right. But how do you know if it’s something more than that. How do you know if it's something to be worried about?

Bedwetting is a common issue for kids, and it can be completely normal. Most children have learned by the age of 4 to control their bladders when they’re awake, but staying dry through the night can take a lot longer. One in six children in North America between the ages of 4-12 suffers enuresis (the medical term for bedwetting). It’s more common for boys to have trouble with this than girls, and it can also run in families.

Most bedwetting usually stops on its own and doesn’t require any treatment. Although it’s usually nothing to worry about, sometimes it is a symptom of a medical issue.

It’s important to make a distinction between primary enuresis (when a child has never achieved a satisfactory period of dryness) and secondary enuresis (bedwetting that starts after a dry period of at least 6 months). The secondary type is often linked with some sort of emotional difficulty or stress, like moving to a new house or school, or a family change like divorce. If your child has suddenly started wetting the bed after a long period of dryness, you need to figure out if there’s something new that's bothering him or her.

How to support your child through a bedwetting phase

Whether there’s a medical issue, or it’s simply a developmental phase you need to work through, it can be hard on your child to be constantly wetting the bed. And—let’s face it—it can be hard on you, too. We went through this recently in our household, and it was exhausting.

While you and your doctor are tackling the underlying causes, here are some tips on how to get through this stage, from a more practical point of view:

  1. Put night-lights in the bathroom and hall to help your child can find the toilet in the night.
  2. Make sure your child urinates before going to bed. Remind him to wake up and use the toilet when he needs to.
  3. Protect the mattress with waterproof sheets.
  4. Use nighttime underwear, like GoodNites TRU-FIT, which look and feel like real underwear.
  5. When your child wets the bed at night, have him or her use the toilet before putting on dry pajamas.
  6. Make the bed in layers, alternating sheets with waterproof pads. Then, when your child wets the bed, you can just take the wet sheet off without needing to re-make the bed.
  7. Remember that children cannot help their bedwetting. You should never get angry at or punish your child for wetting the bed.

Bedwetting can be frustrating—for kids and parents alike. With attentive medical care, a few survival strategies, and a whole boatload of patience, you and your family will get through it. 

One in six children between the ages of 4-12 suffer from enuresis, also known as bedwetting.

  YMC Blogger, Kat Inokai shares her personal experience with her daughter's bedwetting and how they are winning the bedwetting war together.

  YMC Members going through or who have been through a bedwetting phase with their child share their smart strategies.

GoodNites* TRU-FIT* can help you and your child get through bedwetting.
GoodNites* TRU-FIT* are washable, cotton-blend real underwear that are durable and reusable for outstanding nighttime protection. They are accompanied by a disposable, absorbent insert designed to protect sheets and PJs all night.


25 Ways to Fight Fatigue & Reclaim Your Mojo

So tired...

25 Ways to Fight Fatigue & Reclaim Your Mojo

Motherhood and fatigue tend to go hand in hand. Is there a mom out there who doesn’t feel tired most of the time?

Well, I’m here to help.

First, a chronic feeling of fatigue can be due to an underlying medical issue, like anemia and thyroid imbalance. If you feel constantly tired, you should talk to your doctor and get assessed for the common culprits.

However, fatigue often comes down to lifestyle factors. This is good news—it means it’s under your control! You can do something about it. Only trouble is, most people don’t know where to start. 

Here are 25 ways to fight fatigue and get your mojo back:


1.  Drink more water. Dehydration—even to a mild degree—saps your energy.

2.  Get a little sunlight. Light exposure early in the day helps set your internal body clock, and provides vitamin D—something most of us are deficient in.

3.  Increase physical activity and exercise. Regular exercise boosts energy, stimulates circulation, and improves sleep.

4.  Eat breakfast. Food first thing in the morning gives your body energy for the day.

5.  Take a shower or bath. It might be quick fix only, but studies have shown most people feel more energetic after a hot bath or shower.

6. Eat a healthy diet. Cut back on high fat, high sugar, and high salt foods, and instead increase your veggies, fruit, whole grains, and lean meats.

7.  Eat iron rich foods. Iron deficiency is common in women, and causes chronic tiredness.

8.  Get enough sleep. Skimping on sleep? Adults typically need 7-9 hours a night.

9.  Get organized. Clutter increases stress and fatigue. The more organized your stuff is, the more energy you’ll have to devote elsewhere.

10.  Improve your sleep quality with sleep hygiene. It’s not just about getting enough sleep; you need quality sleep, too. Here’s how.

11.  Don’t crash diet. A drastic drop in calorie intake can drain your energy.

12.  Watch your caffeine intake. Caffeine can give a temporary jolt of energy, but many people experience a major crash after it wears off. Plus it can mess with your sleep at night.

13.  Stick to a sleep schedule. If your wakeup time is all over the map, it’s like crossing multiple time zones every week...and we all know how jet lag feels, right?

14.  If you smoke, quit. The toxins and chemicals in cigarettes impair your health and drain your energy.

15.  Don’t skip meals. Regularly spaced, small meals and snacks ensure a steady blood glucose level.

16.  Reduce your sedentary hours. A sedentary lifestyle is a known cause of fatigue—scale back on TV watching and couch surfing.

17.  Reduce alcohol. Excessive alcohol intake can contribute to fatigue, plus it can interfere with your normal sleep cycles.

18.  Learn to manage stress. Stress is a major cause of fatigue. Learn about ways to cope with stress and manage anxiety here.

19.  Don’t overeat. Large meals can lead to an energy crash as your body attempts to digest all that food.

20.  Fight the mid-afternoon energy slump with this: a combination protein and carb lunch, plus a short workout at lunchtime. 

21.  Practice yoga. Yoga is amazing medicine for stress and for overall health, with its emphasis on meditation, breathing, strength, and flexibility.

22.  Listen to music. The therapeutic value of music has been shown in several studies. It’s a stress fighter and energy booster.

23.  Eat more fish. The omega-3s in cold water fish like salmon may help fight depression, and improve happiness and energy levels.

24.  Increase your magnesium. Magnesium deficiency can cause fatigue, irritability, headaches...and is probably more common than we think. Increase your intake with leafy greens, nuts, and beans, or supplements.

25.  Practice breathing exercises. Diaphragmatic breathing is quick and easy stress-reliever and energy booster. 


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