Deb Lowther: Family on the Run


30 Gifts for Kids to Inspire Outdoor Play

Active Kids are Happy Kids

Gifts to Inspire Outdoor Play

Springtime is the perfect time to stock up on fresh sidewalk chalk, bright coloured skipping ropes, new soccer balls and lawn darts. My husband likes to say "You need the right tools for the job" and, in this case, if you want to inspire kids to get active outside, providing a few fun incentives is a great way to get them started.

The weather is finally getting warmer, the days are longer and the kids are eager to get outside so we plan a family hike or go geocaching in the forest.

Here are a few ideas of outdoor toys kids love that will entice them outside to play and get kids of all ages excited about having fun and being active.

30 Outdoor Toys to Inspire Active Kids

  1. Hula Hoops
  2. Skipping Ropes
  3. Soccer ball
  4. Frisbee
  5. Kites
  6. Swingball/Tetherball
  7. OgoSport Discs
  8. Lawn Darts
  9. ZigZag Tunnel
  10. Juggling Balls
  11. Mini Sticks
  12. Boomerang
  13. Velcro Mitt/Ball set
  14. Bean Bag/Ring Toss
  15. Ladder Ball        
  16. Badminton Set
  17. Balance Board
  18. Slip n Slide
  19. Football
  20. RipStik
  21. Plasma Car
  22. Scooter
  23. Pogo stick
  24. Mini Basketball Net/Ball
  25. Lacrosse Sticks
  26. Stilts
  27. Skate board
  28. Roller blades
  29. Tennis Racquets
  30. Baseball Glove/T-Ball Set

You don’t have to spend a lot of money on balls of all shapes and sizes, or skipping ropes and kites but giving your kids a few of these Springtime gifts will inspire them to be active for the months ahead. You might even find yourself out there trying to remember how to double Dutch!