
3 Reasons to Swim Your Way Slim This Summer

Full Body Toning, No Gear, No Sweat

3 Reasons to Swim Your Way Slim This Summer

So it's been about 45 degrees in Toronto lately (no exaggeration!) and it looks like the Farmer's Almanac was right again. That's right, I grew up in the Prairies and I consider the Farmer's Almanac as trustworthy as any Weather Network scientists—it's okay, you can say it: hick. It's going to be a long, hot summer. We've been surviving and the Sweaty Kids and I are looking forward to hitting Toronto's various splash pads and wading pools once they open next week. 

But I have to confess, I don't really take them swimming. I am actually not a great swimmer. Despite my mother's insistence on year after year of swimming lessons at the FREEZING cold lakes near our small town, I am just not great in the water. I can get by, I can tread water, I can even swim a bit to get a bit of exercise. But Sweaty Daddy takes care of swimming lessons and pool parties. I think once I've got a bit more time on my hands for hobbies and the like, I'll take some adult swimming lessons and brush up on my skills. If there is any water left on earth at that point.

Because there is no better exercise when it's 45 freaking degrees than swimming.

 You can't feel the heat.

 You burn tons of calories.

 You tone your entire body.

What more can you ask? So if you are a decent swimmer with a local pool (or your own pool if you're lucky enough), consider adding swimming to your summer routine. And, in case you hadn't noticed, swimmers are officially the hottest athletes. Ever. 








In an hour of moderately intense swimming, a 150-lb person burns about 400 calories. And that ain't bad. Swimming is one of the most complete full-body workouts and one of the most effective ways to shape and tone your upper body without picking up a single dumbbell. Take your dip in the pool up to workout level with this routine:

Note: The average lap pool is 25 metres (Olympic pools are 50 metres, so you'll need half the lengths).

Warm up:

Free swim x 2 lengths

Work out:

Breast stroke x 2 lengths

     Rest 20 seconds

Back stroke x 2 lengths

     Rest 20 seconds

Free swim x 1 length

Kick/flutter x 1 length (on back or with board)

     Rest 30 seconds


Cool down:

Free swim x 2 lengths 

You'll swim a total of 22 lengths. Need a shorter workout? Do the workout portion just once for a quick early morning kick-in-the-butt! Tone your hips, glutes, core, back, shoulders, arms and chest. No sweat. No gear. No kidding.

Swimmers, share your workout secrets here! Do you swim to stay in shape? Swim for fun? Are you teaching your little ones to swim?



Inspiring Little Exercisers

Fitness Starts At Birth

Inspiring Little Exercisers

"Do as I say, not as I do!" kind of went out the window around the same time as martinis while pregnant and smoking on airplanes. The old, hands-off, dictatorial style of imparting values is SO not yummy. Don't get me wrong, I can raise my voice with the best of them, but I firmly believe that leading by example is the best way to lead my family.

There are so many behaviours I don't want my kids to inherit from me—my tendency to bite my cuticles, the way I cluck my tongue when I'm about to speak—but instead of telling them not to do these things, I tell myself and, in the process, I edit their model and thus their behaviour.

Simple, right?

OK, maybe it takes a bit more effort than that and, if we're being honest, I still bite my cuticles but try to do it less when they're around... it's a work in progress. But it does work.

It works the other way around, too. There are a lot of behaviours I definitely want my kids to pick up from me—eating healthily and being physically active and fit are two of the most important to me (surprise, surprise). Eating healthily is really a no-brainer: eat with your children as frequently as possible, and choose healthy foods. You can tell them to eat their broccoli until your face turns blue, but if you don't eat it, good luck to you.

Being active, enjoying your body and keeping yourself physically fit are some values that are a little trickier to impart to the under-5 set, in my experience. I've dreamed of the day that my daughter, 5, will be big enough to jog alongside me. I tell her all the time that she will soon be able to join me and it is something she looks forward to. I'm hoping this summer we can begin, haltingly, to build up her endurance and jog around the block together. I know we will stop to look at bugs and that I'll probably end up piggy-backing at some point, but the idea of actually exercising with my little buddy is so exciting. My son, 2, is nowhere near the jogging stage. So how do you fill in those years between birth and school, and inspire fitness in little people who can't do "traditional" types of exercise yet?

Here's what I've done, and it works. My little ones understand that exercise and sport are fun but have also learned that fitness is not optional. And, I did it without resorting to the "Drop and give me 20" mentality. Here's how:

Explore sports at their ability level

Toddler gymnastics, soccer and swimming are not just a nice way to break up your ho-hum week, they are getting little ones excited about using their bodies and building basic skills (jumping, floating, running, balancing) that are necessary in order for them to progress to team sports they might excel in and even just to playground play without being harassed because they can't complete the monkey bars. You don't have to overschedule yourself, either—when I was a kid, we had two activities per season/year. Unstructured active play can fill in on other days. On days we don't have a scheduled activity, we try to always hit the local playground and I will often make up little games and challenges for them.

Let them see you exercise

You don't have to bring them to the gym daycare in order to demonstrate the importance of regular activity. Why not pop in a CD and dance around the living room with your little monkey or put in an exercise DVD and let them try a few moves while you get your sweat on? They don't have the attention span you do and they may move on to something else after a moment or two, but seeing you exercise is the important thing here—you teach them what is normal behaviour, so teach them that finding joy in activity and setting time aside to exercise is normal behaviour. Even hearing you say "Be good for Daddy because Mommy is going outside for a jog" can help build their perception that exercise is a normal behaviour.

Let them run

I am a big believer in running. Human beings possess some of the best endurance of any creatures on the planet, and kids are the perfect runners. They go in spurts, rest when they need to, then go again. Why? They love to run! Take your kids to a park and encourage a game of tag, or organize foot races up a hill and you might be surprised when they give you a run for your money. Don't force a young child to run a long distance—intervals and spurts are natural and appropriate for their ability level, and way more fun! I'll let you decide whether running in the house is kosher but I tend to think, when a kid wants to move his muscles, let him.

Let them swim and play in water

Swimming lessons were never optional when I was a kid. We do swimming lessons but you'll find most lessons for the 4-and-under set are basically about familiarizing little ones with water and with moving their limbs in a way that will eventually translate to a lifesaving swim stroke. You can work on these skills at home in a splash pool and even a full bathtub! We visit our local wading pool several times per week in the summer months and practise floating, splashing and dunking. This is the first summer where I'll have two potty-trained kids bobbing around in the pools. For 4 years, we've relied on Huggies Little Swimmers—in fact, the wading pool staff won't let the diaper set into the pool unless wearing a swimming diaper. The best part: slather with sunscreen, find a shady pool and no suit required! Partial nudity is perfectly acceptable and oh-so-cute at that age.

Choose active toys

You don't need a toddler treadmill (yes, that exists) but you can choose toys that engage their bodies as well as their minds. Think old-school. Hula hoops. Tricycles. Sand toys. Water toys. Scooters. Balls. Make these the toys you supply year-round and save the "coolest" toys for birthdays and special occasions. I firmly believe active toys are like clothing: kids need appropriately-sized active toys supplied as they grow, in order to grow. After all, you want your little one's muscles and motor skills to advance along with her age, don't you? Make it fun! Kids are motivated by play. What you supply, they will play with.

Participate in family activities

Visit a park and hike (even if it's a slow one) on a sunny weekend or hit the local pool for some splashy fun—spring and summer are the perfect time to start building those active family routines and getting little ones excited about exercise. In the winter, you don't have to spend thousands on skiing each weekend; rent skates at your local rink or build a snowman in the front yard. A daily walk before or after dinner, even for 10 or 15 minutes, builds lifelong walking habits. With tiny babies, bring them along on walks and jogs, get a toddler seat for your bicycle, or participate in postnatal fitness classes or postnatal aquafit classes—babies are watching and learning before they are talking. What's good for you is also good for them.

Inspiring your children to be active and fit is about so much more than just telling them how important it is. Childhood is about play—spark their interest in exercise by showing them how fun it can be. Show them that exercise and play are a part of adult life as well by getting involved at the pool and the playground, or just playing a game of tag in your backyard. Start modeling healthy habits in infancy. If you're doing it, so will they. And you might even get a little fitter yourself, in the process.


Jessica Simpson's Post-Baby Body

4 Million Dollars To Lose The Baby Weight

Jessica Simpson's Post-Baby Body

Yet another celebrity postpartum weight loss spectacle to awe and inspire us. Or make us feel terrible about ourselves.

Jessica Simpson has signed on with Weight Watchers to be their next official spokesperson, reportedly hooking a $4 million deal to lose the baby weight within a year. One has to assume her paycheque depends on her successful weight loss.

Hmmm... that is a scenario I can sort of relate to, actually.

Jessica's pregnant body was the subject of tons of media attention. She definitely embraced the pregnant appetite and also claimed to be retaining more fluids than the Hoover Dam. OK, that's my wording, not hers...

I also went crazy during my first pregnancy, gaining about 55 pounds thanks to healthy but LARGE lunches and dinners and a very friendly relationship with my local pizza joint. After years of restricting myself, it felt so right to eat with abandon that I went a little over the deep end. So I can kind of sympathize with Jessica. Annnnnd..... that is the last time you'll ever hear me compare myself to Jessica Simpson.

Jessica's pregnancy body was heralded by some as an example—why should she be concerned about restricting her prenatal weight gain? Why not enjoy pregnancy? Others, however, derided her for letting herself go—Joy Behar of The View even said, "The girl is fat." Really, Joy? Come on... If there is one rule of sisterhood it is:

Thou shalt never call a pregnant woman fat.

Everyone knows that rule! Even men know that rule. The truth is, fame is fickle and the people only love you when you're up. Or down, as weight goes.

So Jessica was a hero for gaining too much weight. Let's be honest, whether she enjoyed her pregnancy or not, gaining 60-70 pounds over 10 months (of which only 15-20 pounds are composed of fetus, uterus and fluid) is probably not healthy. But it's nobody's freaking business. Kudos to Jessica for being upfront and proud about the fact that she was enjoying all her favourite foods and feeling the consequences. Her pregnancy quotes are worth a google and she gives the average rude comedienne a run for her money (making me question that dumb persona she is known for... the girl might be too funny to actually be dumb, you know?). One of my faves:

"Kraft mac and cheese with Lawry's seasoning salt is the breakfast for pregnant champions!"

* N.B. In Canada, Kraft mac & cheese is known plainly as dinner. Sort of like how Indian people don't call biryani rice "Indian food"...

So she's a hero for eating Kraft Dinner for breakfast and gaining more weight than is recommended by most of our obstetric authorities. OK... Now she will be a hero for eradicating it from her body in the span of just a year. Word is she is already on a drastically low-carbohydrate diet and working out with her personal trainer, Harley Pasternak.


What's the message here? Gain as much weight as you want, even at the risk of your own health, during pregnancy... but drop it all as if your life depends on it in postpartum. You're cute when you're pregnant and worthless after that baby comes out. BUT... if you can contort your body to make it appear as if you never even had a baby in the first place? Well, then you're worth 4 million dollars.

I don't get it.

Please, for the love of God, stop holding celebrities up as bastions of fitness. They clearly haven't any more of a clue than the rest of us. Because—if a $4 million deal depended on it—wouldn't you do whatever it took (nannies, night nannies, night nurses, abstaining from breastfeeding, several hours per day of exercise, stripping all carbohydrates from your diet, enemas, cleanses, diuretics) to lose that baby weight?