Caroline Fernandez: Activity Mummy


Using a Safeword for Your Kids

Teach Them to Communicate with Words

My kids have been all "get out of my room!" lately - to the point where they are shouting and hitting each other.  Driving. Me. Crazy. (and waking the baby which is not cool).  So I gave them a safeword to stop the madness.  And it's working!

You know how in S & M,  the participants have a "safeword" to stop an specific action? (and to be clear - I know about safewords from an C.S.I. episode where Grissom was investigating a murder at Madame Heather's establishment...oh the things you learn when American Idol isn't on...)  Moving on...

Really it was the hitting each other that took me over the edge (DD2 is smaller yet will tap's always the smaller ones isn't it?!)

So I told them that if the other sister is doing something they don't like say "STOPLIGHT".  And the other must respect that they have to stop whatever action they are doing to disturb the other.

Overheard: "Get out of my room - STOPLIGHT" (and the intruder left the room)

Overheard: "Please stop singing - STOPLIGHT"(and the singer stopped singing)

So far, the shouting and hitting have completely stopped. And I guess, on a higher level, this is teaching them to communicate with their words.  And respect. 

And I'm a little less crazy because of it.  Now if only the baby would sleep...