Caroline Fernandez: Activity Mummy


Leaving My Baby

Reverse Separation Anxiety

The guilt!  The anxiety!  The crying (mine not the baby's).  What causes such overwhelming emotion to a parent?  Leaving your baby for the first time...and I'm about to ride that roller coaster.

Whether you're going out on your first date since baby was born, returning to work after parental leave (or in my case) leaving on a work trip - leaving baby is a powerful experience.

Some feel liberated - after carrying the babe for 9 months, being attached at the breast (or hip) to the baby - a break can be a freeing thing.

I, myself, don't feel so liberated. 

I'm about to head off to Blissdom Canada (a big blogging conference - will I see you there? - I'll be the one crying.  Hug me.)

The longest I've left baby is 7 hours.  7 day-time-of-which-he-slept-for-3 hours.  Blissdom is 3 days.  And I'm going through reverse separation anxiety.

And I know he'll be fine.  And in very good hands.  And heck, at 9 months he probably won't even realize I'm not there.

But I still feel guilty.

Any tips for leaving baby?  Either for a night, day or returning to work?  I bet others are interested to hear too.