Caroline Fernandez: Activity Mummy


5 Must-Have Items in Your Car for Summer

Summer Emergency Supplies

Now that it is summer we are often out and about with our families enjoying family field trips or just running errands. Our vehicles become moving-home-base and can "house" (forgive the pun!) some really important summer items.

5 Must-Have Items in Your Car for Summer

 First-Aid Kit (band-aids, antibiotic ointment, wash cloth, gauze pad, surgical tape)

 Sun hats (we don't always remember to pack the kids' hats so extra hats in the car come in handy)

 Sunscreen (don't be shy to re-apply!)

 Books (great boredom buster when you get stuck in traffic on the way home from the cottage)

 Kids' bathing suits (from needing a change of clothes because someone spilled their ice cream to finding a splash pad on-the-go...extra bathing suits in the car come in handy!)

You can use a bin, bag, or container for your car emergency kit. 

You should carry snacks and water wherever you go (always hydrate!) but don't keep these items in the car long-term as the warmer temperatures will heat them up. 

And I know it's been said again and again...but please don't leave children or pets unattended in hot can lead to fatal consequences!