Candace Derickx: See Mummy Juggle


Valentine's Day

What Women Really Want

Valentine’s Day in our house is focused solely on our girls. Each year my husband buys them roses, one for each year we’ve been lucky enough to have them. We take a picture and it’s fun to look at them over the last several years starting with my oldest when she was only 2 1/2 months old with her Daddy and one pink rose. This year, she’ll get 9! We joke that eventually this little tradition is going to get pretty expensive. We may have to cap it at a dozen roses.

When it comes to me though, I put my foot down and tell my husband to not waste a dime on me on Valentine’s Day because you pay three times as much for roses and I’m not a big chocolate fan. Do I secretly wish he’d express his love some other way? Why of course I do. As much as I think Valentine’s is an incredibly commercialized holiday, I still think making a point of expressing your love can never be wrong. It doesn’t have to come from a store necessarily, but whatever it is, it has to be sincere and have genuine thought put behind it.

Despite the fact that florists and chocolatiers put the hard sell on for their products this time of year, it doesn’t top the list of what we really want. Here are just a few ideas from a informal poll I conducted:

Chore Porn - yup the original Yummy Mummy suggested this one herself and you know I see the allure of this. Guys, seriously, if you want your wife to fall all over you, clean the her standards....and wait for the fireworks.

Champagne. I’ll admit the thought of this one is nice. Add some chocolate covered strawberries, some candles, an early bedtime for the kids and you’ve got a romantic getaway in your living room.

iPad. Ok, I know, not traditional at all, but some of us mummies are hooked on tech and if you want to get us hot, give us the latest and greatest in technology and we’re putty in your hands.

Cards. Surprisingly this one came up a lot. Men will want to be careful here and not just pick up the first one they see. The words are what’s important. So if your amour is more Elizabeth Barrett Browning than Chelsea Handler, make sure the card reflects that.

Books. I like this one, because it means that your husband has to be paying attention to conversations you have. If he can go out and pick up a book you mentioned three months ago, he deserves some serious love reward.

I don’t want this blog to end here though because it’s meant to be a public service. What do you really want? Add it in the comments and then post it on your husband’s Facebook page, or send it to his email. Print it off and put it between the pages of the Auto Trader. For heaven’s sakes don’t let the marketing companies tell him what you want.

Gotta go send this to my husband now. Happy Valentine’s Day!
