Candace Derickx: See Mummy Juggle


Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

Snow Days are the Best!

Unless you’ve been basking in the glory of a sunny holiday somewhere out of country, you’ve probably heard about Snowmageddon this week. My hometown of London, Ontario has been hit with over a metre of the white fluffy stuff and I’m a teensy bit jealous. Ok. I’m a lot jealous. What can I say? I love snow days.

One of the most joyful things about being a Canadian child is waking up in the morning and seeing the world wrapped in a blanket of white and knowing you’re going to have red cheeks, hot chocolate and no homework. It’s a gift. As a mom, I love getting to say those two little words. Snow. Day. You need say nothing else because everyone knows what it means.  For one day, all plans get cancelled. There is no schedule to adhere to and the day unfolds before you in a wonderfully lazy way. Board games you haven’t played, movies you haven’t watched and books you’re been longing to read are waiting for you.

My best friends’ children were home from school this week for 3 days (there was a collective sigh of relief from mothers in London on Day 4 when school resumed) and it’s left my children a little pouty. So I’ve told the girls that at the first sign of bad weather we’ll pull out the big guns. To ensure a snow day here’s a few things your children can do to help it along:

Everytime you walk by a snow globe, give it a shake.

 Wear your pajamas inside out and backwards.

 Sleep with a spoon under your pillow.

 Throw ice cubes in the toilet - one for each inch of snow you want

 Eat ice cream the night before

 Say your prayers:
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord lays the snow down deep
Please give me a snow day before I wake
So I can have big snowmen to make

Now, I'm not going to lie to you. There's a good chance that you'll see a blog from me in March cursing the snow. I'm wishy-washy that way. For now though, I'm off to put a spoon under my pillow. I'm looking forward to a pajama wearing, snuggling, crafting, baking, giggling kind of day.

What's your favorite part of a snow day?

Snow Day 2007 
