Candace Derickx: See Mummy Juggle


Forgo Labels: We're Parents, Not Canned Corn

Helicopter, Snowplow, Tiger, Free Range...

I'm fairly convinced it's the weathermen who are responsible for this recent spate of parenting labels. I remember when the Polar Vortex used to be referred to as "good old winter" and when Snowmaggedon was simply a “snow storm.” I also recall the day when Snowplow parents, Helicopter parents, and Tiger Moms were just parents.  We were all just parents–in the trenches together­—no special labels required.

The Parenting Pledge You Need To Take Today

There are times I look at parents I know and think in comparison I'm doing it all wrong – their children just seem so perfect.  And then other times where I'm fairly convinced I'm all that and a bag of chips— because my children are perfect-ish. So, who's doing it right? The truth is nobody knows because it’s a big waiting game. The final score, sadly, is often not tallied until long after we’re dead. Cheery thought, I know. I’m all unicorns and sunshine over here.

I babysat a little monster when I a teenager. This kid was only a headspin away from an exorcism and I was convinced there was only prison time ahead for him. At the time, I remember thinking his parents were obviously responsible for his wretched behaviour. Today, he's charming, successful and absolutely nothing like he was. I have no idea if this is as a result of parenting or personality.

A few years ago I wrote a Parenting Manifesto. What I said there remains true to this day. I am not interested in labels. I parent based on what was modelled for me, which is good for my kids because I have amazing parents. I also trust my instinct and truthfully I can attribute some of it to good old fashioned luck—luck, because circumstances are such that I am privileged and don’t need to stress about the basics for my children—food, shelter, water—as too many parents do.

Why Free-Range And Helicopter Parenting Labels Suck

I'm a crazy mix of Free-range, Helicopter and Tiger. Okay fine; I probably have Snowplow traits as well. I am a freaking mess, people! I guess this makes me a plain old parent—hoping to find that damn elusive manual that tells me exactly how to deal with two eye rolling tweens at the same time. If you have a copy could you send it over please?

When we were children, our parents didn't have terms to coin other parents, unless they were jerks and then you always overheard a choice name or two dropped in a whisper. Maybe, the old way of doing things was better in this case. Today we have too much conflict in the parenting trenches. On top of being worried about our own children’s welfare, we’re holding our pitchforks high for those that don’t parent their kids our way. Enough. 

If you love your children with all your heart, then leave the labels to the weatherman and carry on. You’re doing it right—probably.