Candace Derickx: See Mummy Juggle


Confessions of a Sometimes School Lunch Superhero

What do you mean popcorn and cake aren't great lunch options?

I like to think I’m a mom who can think on the fly. Many times I've been a Superhero and made a school lunch magically appear out of nowhere — grabbing odd ingredients from the pantry and fridge and producing a lunch Emeril would be proud of. Bam! Lunch is packed. Then I toss my cape over my shoulder and fly off to conquer the day’s next task.

The flip side of this though, is that if Emeril knew what I sent for lunch on the days I can’t quite pull it together he’d be weeping over his noodles. What can I say? I’m not perfect.

We moms make school lunches for 10 months every year. We are bound to get a little uninspired sometimes.

Mr. Christie's Fruit Krisps asked me to write about lunchbox lulls, and when I started to think about it, I realized I have them more often than I've cared to admit. 

By last June, I’d all but given up. My kids had hummus and pita every day for the last two weeks of school. When they would come in the house and complain about having it again, I would feign ignorance and say “What? Did I give that to you again? I don’t know what’s happening to my memory.”

Right now my lunch packing creativity is at an all time low and has to take the cake. Or should I say, the kids are taking the cake—to school—for lunch.

I’m in the middle of a major kitchen reno that is leaving me a little flummoxed as to how I’m going to prepare healthy, balanced, and interesting lunches. Leftovers have always been a default for me, but right now I have no leftovers to default to because, well, supper is also stressing me out a bit. Because of this, my girls have had nachos and salsa as their main course, a baked muffin, and even popcorn.*

The other day, I had nothing—not even popcorn. We were departing for Mexico and my kitchen was literally torn apart. So, at 7:30 in the morning I took them to the grocery store where my youngest picked out a boxed lunch, complete with sugary candy and a bag of Cheetos and my oldest picked up a $13 plate of Sushi and chips. I raised my eyebrow and gave them my best stink eye, as if to say “You’re killing me here.” And my sweet little girls had massive smirks on their face. Because they knew. They knew that I had hit rock bottom, I had given up on school lunches and they could pretty much have whatever they wanted.

Just wait until I get my kitchen back together and tie my cape back on. I see lots of green in their future.

*Confession feels good for the soul. I just hope their grandmother doesn’t read this post.

Check out How to Beat the Lunchbox Lull  for more stories by moms confessing their amusing, and sometimes embarrassing, lunchbox moments. Plus you’ll find some fresh ideas for fun lunches and tips to get your kids to eat their lunch.