Last week, Erica posted about charities that she supports and asked the readers to share their charities of choice. It’s an inspiring list of places you can go to pay it forward, give it back and help out a neighbour.
I run marathons for Team Diabetes.
I’m not a diabetic. I don’t have a direct connection to anyone with diabetes in my immediate life, but this is the cause I have chosen to support for selfish reasons - it makes me healthy.
Type 2 Diabetes is reaching epidemic proportions in our country. More than 9 million people are living with an illness that is mostly preventable.
Recent estimates show 90-95% of those with diabetes in Canada have Type 2. That’s 8 million people, almost a quarter of our population that are drawing on our health care system’s resources unnecessarily.
1 million Canadians don't even know they have diabetes, the 7th leading cause of death in Canada.
Preventing Type 2 Diabetes is easy. Eat right. Get active. Care about your body.
That’s it. It’s that simple. So, by being a part of Team Diabetes, and setting annual goals of marathons, 10k races and half marathons around the world, I’m putting a finish line ahead of me and dangling a carrot to watch what I eat and keep active.
It’s that simple.
While doing that, I’m creating awareness about diabetes. I’m educating friends, colleagues, listeners and readers about how nasty this disease can be and how easy it is to prevent. Hopefully I inspire other people to get on board and join Team Diabetes to get their own health on track and keep themselves out of the system.
I’m also raising money as I train and prepare for Team Diabetes (more than $20 000 has been raised so far) to help researchers find an end to this illness. While Type 2 Diabetes is largely preventable, there are still those who are Type 1 Diabetics, those who were “born with it” and didn’t have a choice in how their pancreas controls their blood sugars. Pregnant women are also susceptible to gestational diabetes and the money I raise helps fight that side effect some face while going through the miracle of life.
It’s important we all give back in some way in our lives. Scan the comments on Erica’s post and see if there’s something that inspires you.
I’d love it if you joined me on Team Diabetes.
I’m currently recruiting people to come on board for a 10k, half marathon or marathon in Reykjavik, Iceland in August 2012. You have more than 9-months to do the training and get the fundraising done. As you get on board, you’ll be putting you and your family on a healthier path, you’ll be raising money to help others living with diabetes and the carrot at the end of it all is a trip to the land of fire and ice (flights, accommodations, transfers, training are all covered by your fundraising with Team Diabetes).
I can’t think of a better day to join - today is World Diabetes Day, the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting, the Canadian who discovered insulin 90 years ago.
Join me and become a Diabetes Champion.