Buzz Bishop: Daddy Buzz


Don't Take Grandparents For Granted

Take Advantage Of Recording Every Moment

20110410 Train Watching In Calgary - near Baker Park

I have lots of video of my kids.  First heartbeats, first rolls, first foods - it’s all there. Dozens of short 60 second clips capturing everything they do.

When my grandmother passed away last year, I realized I had little to no video of her playing with my boys.  I had lots of photos, but the only “real” video we had of her was one my brother took when she was in the hospital saying she would be home soon. That never happened.

I live in Calgary.  My wife’s family lives in Ontario, my family lives in Vancouver.  The visits from grandparents and great-grandparents is not as often as when we were all in the same city. 

You can easily take those grandparent days for granted when you're all in the same area code.  My parents were 30 minutes away to take the boys to the park or the pool or to sit for my wife and I to have a date night. 

Now that they’re not around the corner, the time my boys get to spend with their grands and great-grands is a magical moment I’m not taking for granted.

Grumps Chooch Grumps hockey 20110408 17th ave

My grandfather visited this weekend and I filmed everything.  Watching the trains, holding my son, visiting a museum - even eating breakfast together.  When you live away from your family, you never know when the last time you see them will truly be ‘the last time.’ 

Take some video, shoot some pictures, write some stories.  These truly are “the good old days.”
