Buzz Bishop: Daddy Buzz


3 Training Apps To Get Motivated

Salvage Your New Year's Resolution

According to a new survey, the top resolution (again) is getting fit.  Unfortunately the survey also found that 3 of 4 people making the resolution won't follow through.

Statistically, if you can make it past January 13, you've got a better chance of sticking to your goals.  So why not get an app to help?  Here's 3 to push you through the next week:

Nike Training Club [free]

This app is created by Nike Women, but no matter I'm loving it.  Whether you want to get toned, get lean, get strong or get focused, the app has 30-60 minute workouts to fit your plans.  You choose your skill level and then this app helps you get it done.

It's a personal workout class, you can select a playlist for your session and then a coach comes in to help you switch between exercises and urge you on.  If you don't know what straight leg kicks, slide and glide or modified plank is, there are quick videos embedded right in the workout to show you.

This has been my go to app at the gym to help me plan my attack for the new year.

Run Keeper [free]

If you prefer your fitness to be done outside, this  app will help time and track your runs.  It uses the GPS on your phone to track your pace and distance and can also be used to help with interval workouts. 

Runner's World Smart Coach [free]

I'm training for a Team Diabetes marathon in Iceland this August, this app helps you plot your training distances.  You input your training level, previous times and distance you're training for and you could be doing a marathon in just 12 weeks.  The free version is ad supported, their is a premium app that adds social features and the ability to print your workout.

BTW, if you need a goal for all this training you're doing, why not join me and my wife in Iceland on Team Diabetes?  You raise money and awareness for those living with the disease while getting yourself healthier and fighting against your own chances of getting it. 

Goal setting is a great way to keep your resolution and with the big carrot of a trip to Iceland at the end of the stick, I'm sure you can do it.