Annabel Fitzsimmons: Meditating Mummy


Meditation for Energy

Fight Holiday Fatigue

In my last blog post, I started a series of two-minute tips for staying sane through the holidays. Last week’s tip was Just Breathe, to be called upon when your barometer is rising and you need a little zen. On the flip side, this week’s tip is all about energy. And no, not the energy needed to power the twinkly lights on my Christmas tree or the energy that fuels the furnace on those cold dark winter nights. I’m talking about the energy we as moms need to get through the holidays with a smile on our face and our spirit in tact.

As moms, more often than not we’ve accomplished more before noon than our university self would have done in a week. And during the holiday season we end up with to-do lists that are far longer than usual. By the time 3:00pm rolls around, we’re often depleted. The thought of surviving dinner (let alone making it) and the other 800 things that we need to get done “before the guests arrive next Tuesday” is enough to make us want to crawl into bed until the New Year. We’re bone tired. But instead of reaching for that second latte or your kids’ leftover Halloween candy, try this two-minute tip to fight your fatigue.

Click here to Get Energized.

Now, where did I put that to-do list?

Click here for a Meditation To Help You De-Stress