Andrea Loewen Nair: Connect-Four Parenting


A to Z of Taming Tantrums: I is for Instructions

Here are the tricks to delivering instructions our children want to follow.

I for Instructions | A-Z Taming Tantrums |

Thank you for continuing to watch our A to Z of Taming Tantrums series! Today’s episode is the letter I and I is for instructions.

How we deliver instructions will really change how our children respond to those. In this video, I walk through some tips on informing them what needs to in happen in a way that increases the chance our children will cooperate with us.

The key is to deliver those instructions in a clear, friendly, and also firm way. Make sure the instruction is not a question, and doesn’t end with "OK?" Please watch the video to learn more by clicking on the image below:

If you would like more help with delivering instructions, I recommend reading my two most-read posts of all time! This one: Stop Tantrums: 33 Phrases to Use With Toddlers and this one Tantrum Tamers: 32 Phrases to Use With 3 & 4 Year-Olds.

I’m such a believer that instruction delivery is crucial, that created an App for that! My Taming Tantrums app walks parents through what to say in a variety of challenging parenting situations, including when everyone is melting down. Here are some links to finding that in your iTunes smartphone app store in the US, in Canada, and in the Android app store.

Do you have any questions? Please do ask those in the YouTube video comments space or over on my Facebook page and I’ll be sure to answer them.

We're so excited to share with you the A to Z of Taming Tantrums video series! 

Each week we'll share the next letter of the alphabet and Andrea will discuss how it relates to reducing tantrums - and improve our experience as parents! You can view each video here as they are added each Friday.