Amy and Danielle: Mom Ink


What I'm Grateful for this Thanksgiving

Happy To Have It Good

This weekend I’ll be eating turkey three times. Yep, that’s right – three times. This brings me a certain mixture of pleasurable anticipation (yummy food) and fear (gaining 8 lbs worth of pumpkin pie!). With all of this thanksgiving going on, I can’t help but think about the things for which I should actually give thanks. I’ve got it pretty good. In fact, my gratitude cup runneth over. So here’s what I’m grateful for, in no particular order, after the first two.

This Thanksgiving, I am grateful for:

My husband and children. I’ve been married 9 years and I still marvel at how lucky I am to find myself in this family.

The good health of my husband and children, especially given my husband’s chosen hobby of careening around on a bicycle at high speeds (and his propensity to crash hard biannually).

Vanilla flavoured Greek yogurt

Great TV

Bad TV

Not having excessive facial hair


The lovely moms in the playground at school

Terrific in-laws all around

My trainer, who kicks my butt every week and keeps me coming back for more

Irish breakfast tea (and the people who bring it back from London when they visit)

The cup of said tea that my husband brings me in bed before leaving for work (I said I was lucky!)

My wonderful friends, especially my BFF Amy

Being my own boss, bringing joy to our customers, meeting great female colleagues, charting my own course and choosing my own destiny, and laughing every day at work

It’s true, I’m a very lucky duck. And you know, I think I will have a slice of that pie – in celebration of all of my blessings, and because my step mom’s pumpkin pie is to die for!

Happy thanksgiving from the Admiral Roadies/Mom Ink gals!

