Ali Martell: From Hemlines to Heels


White Is The New Black: The Little White Dress

How to wear this sweet spring and summer staple

There's something truly comforting and easy about a classic LBD. Coco Chanel knew what she was doing way back in 1926. The little black dress is universally flattering and always works in any social situation. 

But there's a new go-to "it" dress on the scene—the LWD. While you, of course, are always safe to wear your staple black dresses, why not step out of the black box this spring and summer with a Little White Dress

There are so many ways to wear a white dress. Neon-coloured belts, with a bright blazer and nude accessories, with metallic stacked bangles, under a patterned loose pastel scarf, with a jewel-toned statement necklace, layered under a pretty cardigan, with bright pink sandals, paired with a cropped denim jacket.  

Here are some of my current favourites—and most of them are under $150!

1. Mixed Eyelet Dress, $34.95, Old Navy

2. Geometria Dress, $258, Anthropologie

3. Jovonna Rose Dress, $96.47, ASOS

4. Rosalind Tunic Dress, $39.99, Ruche

5. Polka Dot Peplum Dress, $165.92, Nordstrom

6. Printed Tie-front Pleat Dress, $124, Banana Republic


Little white dresses are a great warm weather choice for any occasion—from a family brunch to shopping with the ladies to an evening cocktail party.

Just as a slight PSA: please, please, please make sure you wear only nude-coloured undergarments underneath your white dress. Nothing turns a classy outfit trashy like a visible pair of underpants.