When your children gets past the baby, toddler, and teething phase, it may seem your sleep problems are over with. Unfortunately, that’s not the case for many big kids. Sleep issues among kids around the age of 5 happen more often than you may think.
Here are a few of the most common 5-year-old sleep issues and how you can help tackle them so your child gets the restorative sleep their body needs.
Starting school, friends, changes in their lives, and even scary thoughts can give kids anxiety which will affect their sleep. It’s really important for your child to know you’re there for them. Here are a few ways to build that attachment and ease them into a restorative sleep each night.
Even though they’re getting older, some big kids still need an early-ish bedtime to avoid being overtired. Moving it up to a 7pm bedtime routine start and a 7:30 "lights out" may help. Or just try putting your child to bed 30 minutes earlier than normal for a week straight to see what kind of results you achieve. Falling asleep is much harder when kids go to bed overtired – and it also contributes to the nightly battles.
Even big kids will wake up at night – but there are ways you can help tackle this before it even starts.
If your child demonstrates any of the following signs while they sleep, they may be experiencing a case of sleep apnea:
It could be that their tonsils or adenoids may be the issue. If your child has enlarged tonsils and adenoids, they may be unable to sleep restfully throughout the night because they are pausing in breath and consistently breaking up their natural sleep cycles throughout the night in order to catch their breath. If your child is showing these symptoms, it’s worth a trip to your doctor. Find out if they need to be referred to an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist (ENT) and you can take the necessary steps from there.
By implementing some of these tips, you can help your big kid learn ways to fall asleep easily and stay asleep all night long – so their little bodies will get the restful, restorative sleep they need.
I provide free child and family sleep support on my Facebook page. I invite you to join our sleep community as I work towards Good Night Sleep Site's mission of a healthier rested family unit. For more sleep tips please visit Good Night Sleep Site and visit me on Instagram and Twitter. Join our movement and #BringBackBedtime.
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