
#AskHerMore: Actresses Are More Than Who They Wear

C'mon Red Carpet Interviewers; You're Better than this

#AskHerMore: Actresses Are More Than Who They Wear

Just when you thought you couldn't love Golden Globes hostess with the mostest Amy Poehler even more, she's been drawing attention to a brilliant Twitter campaign by The Representation Project. #AskHerMore urges those wielding mics on the red carpet to ask actresses something more substantive than "Who are you wearing?"

The double standard in Hollywood is gross and deeply ingrained, and no where is this fact more self-evident than at award ceremonies where women are practically graded and grilled about their gowns—never mind what they happened to have achieved in the industry on a given year.

Should Russell Crowe Just Shut Up?

While men may be asked thoughtful questions related to their performance and even related social or political issues, women are subjected to frivolous chitchat about who designed their dress or how great (read: skinny) they look post-baby. Sure, fashion is fun, but it's insulting to actors of either sex for their outfits to be the prime focus, especially on a night dedicated to celebrating their work.

If the designers want a shout out, then by all means, give them a mention. Can you imagine George Clooney's reaction at the Globes had someone asked him who tailored his suit when he was there to pick up a lifetime achievement award? Duh.

So with the Oscars coming up, #AskHerMore presents a genuine opportunity for change. You can tweet suggested questions for reporters, so the focus shifts from appearance to achievement.

Check out Upworthy's montage of all the asinine comments fielded at women on the red carpet or during interviews. (With kudos to Scarlett Johansson for speaking out while she was being interviewed alongside Robert Downey Jr: "You [RDJ]  get the really interesting existential question & I get the rabbit food question.")

You tell me: If you could ask any actress on the red carpet a question at the Oscars, who and what would it be? 

Image Source: YouTube


Mom Investigated for... Sending Kids to Park?

"We're overestimating the danger and underestimating our children"

Mom Investigated for... Sending Kids to Park?

Kids go to the park every day. But it's not everyday the cops come calling because kids are spotted there, but that's exactly what happened to the Meitiv family recently.

"We're amazed this has become a national conversation because we're just doing what our parents did or [what] was considered perfectly normal just one generation ago,'' said Danielle Meitiv, who was investigated on two occasions by Child Protective Services (CPS) in Maryland after allowing her children, aged 6 and 10, to walk to and from school and the local playground alone.

Meitiv claims the only thing that's changed between when she freely explored the streets of New York as a child is our collective fear. And to some extent, I would agree.

This Mom Was Arrested For Leaving Her Nine-Year-Old At The Park

If the treatment this family received—six police cars at their home and CPS interviewing the children at school without their parents' knowledge or consent—seems over the top, it most certainly is. But it's also standard protocol for incidents of suspected child neglect.

Though there is currently no state rule that addresses outdoor supervision, children under eight need to be accompanied with someone 13 or older while “confined in a dwelling, building, enclosure, or motor vehicle.” 

So just because you don't agree with a law doesn't give you carte blanche to break the law. By all means rally, to the best of your ability, to change legislation you disagree with. An overwhelming number of parents feel that kids need more freedom than they are given. 

This Mom Is Proud To Be A Helicopter Parent

Maybe it's time for clearly defined laws regarding unsupervised children so we can avoid this kind of knee-jerk reaction that does nothing but scare children and incense responsible parents like the Meitivs.

How would I react, coming across children of that age wandering around the neighbourhood by themselves? If I'm honest, I'd probably be somewhat concerned, too. Concerned that most 10 year-olds may not be fully equipped to supervise or care for a six year-old. I must not be alone, otherwise no one would be making these calls to police.

Image Source: WikiCommons


Can Men Describe How a Period Feels?

“Like your ovaries going to war in your uterus"

Can Men Describe How a Period Feels?

If I had a little fairy dust, I'd sprinkle it on the men of the world so they could menstruate (after all, their name's in the bloody word). Not every month, that would just be cruel. Maybe once a year, so they could experience firsthand the tyranny of a uterus ripping itself apart.  

If men had periods... Everyone would spend a week of every month doubled over, moaning and groaning in bed. Emergency rooms and pharmacies would be heaving with males convinced they were dying. And the economy would promptly come grinding to a halt.

How To Talk To Your Daughter About Her Period

It's probably just as well that men don't know what it's like to have their dear Aunt Rose visit unexpectedly. But they can hazard a guess, and when they do, the results are guaranteed to paint the internet (sorry) Reddit.

Being dudes, farts, ferrets, and warfare feature heavily. In some cases though, the analogies are surprisingly apt:

  • “Like your uterus walked downstairs and missed the last step.”
  • “Like having a grouchy ferret buried in your abdomen.”
  • “Galoshy in the swampy region. Kind of like when you have a wet fart that lubricates deep between your butt cheeks. Except with a period, it all happens in your front butt.” Front butt. That's my new favourite.
  • “Like your ovaries going to war in your uterus and one of them launches a nuke, then the blood and flesh of the fallen seep out through a hole in the crater at the worst possible time.”
  • “Like how your head feels when you’re sick. But your nose is a vagina.”

And for guys wanting to know exactly what a period DOESN'T feel like: 

  • “Judging from the tampon commercials it feels like a day at the spa that makes you want to dance around on the beach in slow motion and play sports with your friends." In all-white clothing. 

Just one day a year. Is that too much to ask?