
Couple Delivers Hip Hop Birth Announcement

Got a Bun in the oven, and we're overjoyed

Couple Delivers Hip Hop Birth Announcement

rap birth announcement

How did you break the news that you were expecting? For celebs, it goes something like this. For the rest of us mere mortals, it comes down to an email or Facebook post. But that wouldn't cut for the Taylors.

According to an article in Today Moms, the Utah couple had been battling infertility and had already suffered a miscarriage. So when 26-year-old Jalene fell pregnant, she and Lincoln wanted something a little special.

“Infertility is a very difficult, emotional roller coaster. One of the things that helped keep our spirits up was thinking of fun ideas on how to announce our pregnancy when it finally happened,” said Jalene.

That something special turned out to be a parody of the "Swagger Wagon" ad for Toyota. The Taylors enlisted the know-how of videographer friend Nathan Pickett and shot their own rap after penning the lyrics to "Taylor Baby" over the course of a weekend. 

“At first it was really hard not to laugh while shooting the video. We kept having to start over because we felt so ridiculous,” Taylor said. "Once we got into a groove, we had so much fun. It is something I will always remember. I couldn't have asked for a better husband to do silly and fun stuff with.”

While the couple hoped to get a reaction from friends and family when they posted the video on Facebook, the attention hasn't stopped there.  

Congrats to the Taylors, whose baby is due in May.

How did you announce that you were expecting?


Are You Ready To Be A Parent?

There's A Test For That

Are You Ready To Be A Parent?

pregnancy test

Think you're ready to be a parent? There's no test to determine whether you're prepared to bring another life into the world. Or, wait, is there? Though The Test For Future Parents, written by Colin Falconer, was originally published more than a decade ago in his book, 'A Beginners Guide to Fatherhood,' it has seen a resurgence online, via the Daily Mail.

If you are fed up with parents feeding you lines like it was the hardest, most rewarding thing they ever did, (hello, oxymorons!) then you will be thrilled to know that you can get a definitive predictor of readiness simply by taking part in these 14 tests.

Up for the challenge? Here is a sample of what you can reasonably expect if you expect to go back to work after having a baby (aka Test 14):

1. Pick a day on which you have an important meeting.

2. Put on your finest work attire.

3. Take a cup of cream and put 1 cup of lemon juice in it

4. Stir

5. Dump half of it on your nice silk shirt

6. Saturate a towel with the other half of the mixture

7. Attempt to clean your shirt with the same saturated towel

8. Do not change (you have no time).

9. Go directly to work

Read the full test here... It would be funny, if it weren't oh-so-true.

What other tidbit(s) would you add to this list? More 'wisdom' on how to be the perfect parent.


The Black Magic of Photoshop

Don't believe everything you see...

The Black Magic of Photoshop

photoshop and women's picture

Don't believe everything you see. That's the take-home message of this nano-clip called 'The Power of Photoshop' (via Upworthy) currently making waves. If you had any doubt whatsoever as to the sheer deception—I mean, magic—that happens to models during and after shoots, consider it ancient history.

All those billboards, magazine covers, and commercials have one thing in common: they are beautiful illusions. Even models who are naturally gorgeous in the flesh don't look half as perfect as they do after they have been worked and reworked by a army of skillful professionals. Don't believe me, check what this makeup genius can do to the average woman with a wave of his blusher-wand.

Watch, and unlearn everything you've ever been led to believe about beauty. Then play the video again, for your sister, your niece, your daughter and all her friends.