
How To Host A Tropical (Kitchen) Island Party

Kiss The Winter Blahs Goodbye!

How To Host A Tropical (Kitchen) Island Party

Stand up if you’re travelling to a tropical destination this March Break. Now sit down. Actually, if you could stand up again and leave, that would be better.

It’s not that I’m jealous. It’s that I’m jealous and resentful. I won’t be escaping to the sunny south this March Break. But instead of feeling bitter, I will try to make this situation better, by bringing the tropics to me. 

One simple way to do just that is to enjoy a tropical buffet. I have no idea why, but pineapples are on sale right now, so I bought two. And several coconuts. I also picked up some mangos and a bunch of kiwis (the fruit, not the New Zealanders). 

Fresh tropical fruit is like sunshine in your mouth, and drinks made with coconut water are delicious and so healthy! You can actually make coconut milk by blending coconut meat, coconut water, and filtered water in a blender, and straining. FYI, kids (and husbands) LOVE watching mummy smash open a coconut.

It may be March, but spring has not yet sprung. What better way to shake off the winter blahs than by hosting a tropical island party?  Most gatherings end up in the kitchen anyway, so turn your kitchen island into . . . a tropical island oasis.

Here's how:

Set the mood:

  • Tiki torches to light up the front walk
  • Get leid
  • Make a calypso, reggae, and hot summer music play list
  • Play Hawaii 5-0 or The Blue Lagoon on the TV (with the sound off)
  • Tropical flowers, coconut scented candles, pineapple room spray (warning: It doesn't taste as good as it smells)
  • Dress in bright tropical colours, shorts, t-shirts (perhaps some self-tanner for all you pasty people)


  • Tropical fruit tray
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Grilled Pineapple



  • Limbo Contest
  • Pass the Coconut game
  • Hulu Til You Drop competition

Don’t let the winter blahs get you down. Turn your face to the sun and host a Kitchen Island party! Now where is my cabana boy?

*You wouldn't believe how long it took me to Photoshop those desserts onto that kitchen island. For the love. Anything for a pun, I tell ya.

Yummy Desserts: Easy Peasy Smartie Squares, Tiriamisu, Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream, Coconut Mango Butter Cookies, Red Velvet Cake Balls 

Related: Here are a few fun and easy ways to take the madness out of March Break