
The Magnum Heir Contest

Why Didn't I Enter

The Magnum Heir Contest

A few weeks ago I went on vacation with my family.  For nine days I was completely unplugged and did nothing besides lounge, swim, read, play and relax.  Normally I’m a go-get-em type of gal, this is the first time I’ve ever been this inactive on a vacay. I’ve learned two things from the experience.

1) Being sloth-like is much easier and more enjoyable than I ever anticipated.
2) I should have entered the Magnum Heir contest when I had the chance.

*sighs and shakes head*

The Magnum Heir contest was launched in May and it revolved around the story of Baron Leopold Ferdinand Von Magnum the Third, founder of the Magnum Ice Cream bar company, who died at 72.

Essentially, the Baron was looking for a new heir.  To enter, you had to submit a video telling why you should be the Magnum Heir. 

Erica told me I should enter. Lisa told me I should enter. Jen told me I should enter. My freakin’ husband told me I should enter.

Guess who didn’t enter?

And now the voting has begun and the winner will receive $100,000 cash, a personal chef and chauffeur service for a year, a ten day vacation to Europe, a four day vacay to New York, AND a makeover that includes a shopping trip to Holt Renfrew.

Did I mention the personal chef and chauffeur?


So instead of potentially winning a year of reveling in my sloth-dom, I’m now going to be voting for someone else to win.

Totally kicking myself.

But I am going to vote because if I can’t be an heir for a year, I can at least help someone have that experience.  You should too.

So go on over to the Magnum Heir facebook fan page and vote. You can vote as often as you want and help make someone's dreams come true. 

This blog is proudly sponsored Magnum Ice Cream Bars
