
Nose Spray Addiction

An Addiction That Blows

Nose Spray Addiction

In between picking my theme song for 2011 (which after 24 hours of the shitfest I've just been through - not so much) and Satan trying to kill me I’ve managed to wean myself off my nose spray addiction. 

For the third time.

Three times I’ve managed to get addicted to nose spray.  If that doesn’t pretty much sum me up in a nutshell I don’t know what does.

For the record, it’s relatively easy to become addicted to nose spray.  Especially if you like to do things like breathe.

The thing is it starts all innocuous and stuff….you get a cold and can't sleep with a plugged nose, not to mention the whole dried leather tongue, so you take a quick spray at night in order to sleep and not have your husband want to suffocate you with a pillow because of all the snoring, then a spray in the morning so you can eat without spitting all over everyone, then before you know it, a year and a half later you've built up the tolerance of an elephant and are telling your husband he should buy stocks in Otrivin while DMing 50 Cent to see if he can twitter it out. Clearly the pump and dump in 50 Cents life has a different meaning than in mine.

Your PSA for today: If used for more than two or three days at a time, nose spray does something called the “rebound effect”

Essentially you need more and more nose spray to get the same results.

See tolerance of an elephant above.

I googled nose spray addiction and apparently people are quite embarrassed to talk about this problem because all that came up were people on message boards from 2005 asking how to get off the nose spray. 

Thankfully my tolerance for humiliation is as high as my tolerance for nose spray which is why I’m willing to talk about it today.  There’s got to be someone out there who’s gotten addicted to nose spray besides me.  Yes?  Anyone? 

I tried to get off the nose spray cold turkey but after ten hours, I knew it wouldn’t work.  I couldn’t breathe and you know how when you’re outside in the wintertime and it’s all cold and your nose starts to drip non-stop and you’re trying to surreptitiously wipe away the drips with your mittens and/or sleeve? And yes it’s gross but you spent twenty minutes trying to get two kids into their snowsuits, boots, hats and mitts which is pretty much like trying to stuff an octopus into a string bag, and I’m supposed to remember Kleenex on top of all that? I’m just one person, people! So for the love of god stop judging me, I need to wipe! 

Ya...picture that. 

Only without the wintertime cold or being outside.  And me walking around with tissue stuffed up my nose. It wasn’t pretty. 

So I set about weaning myself off the nose spray using cold meds.  It took a few weeks because my weaning was taking place over the holidays and you can’t take medications and drink wine, not unless you want to be taking the first train to liver failure.

I’d be all cold medicated and breathing but then the next night I’d be going out to a holiday party so I wouldn’t take the cold meds and I’d be all stuffed up and nose sprayee again. 

My timing wasn’t impeccable....just saying.

But I finally did it and have now been nose spray free for about a week.

If you too are addicted to nose spray, I’m putting it out there that I don’t recommend my cold med weaning process to anyone because I’m not a doctor.  Nor do I play one on t.v.

Also because my next step is meth to get off the cold meds.


A Theme Song For Your Life

What's Yours?

A Theme Song For Your Life

I posted a blog the other day about my New Year’s resolutions and how they’re going to be ones I can actually fail at instead of the lame-o ones I came up with in 2010.  Because, what the hell, right?

Then Connie reads it and sends me a tweet saying What the hell should be your motto for the year and I’m all You’re right!  But I can't have a motto without a theme song so now I need a theme song.

And Connie was all over it because she’s a music savant who pretty much knows every song ever made since Eve broke out the snakeskin rattle and penned the one-hit wonder It Was Just An Apple.  While Connie was looking to theme me up, I went to take a gander too.  Lo and behold I find the absolute perfect theme song for me and I’m so excited, I tell my husband because in good relationships you share this sort of shit. 

And he’s all Why do you need a theme song and I was all Way to ruin my theme song mood, honey. This is the reason why I’m on twitter all the time because if I go on there right now and tell everyone I have a theme song they’ll be all excited and understand why my 2011 needs a theme song.

And so I did.  And they were. Which, thank god, otherwise my theme song wouldn’t have made any sense anymore.  Someone should write a song about how you need to go to twitter for theme song support and not your husband.

Without any further ado here’s my theme song for 2011, minus the goth look. Although...maybe I'll keep that too. What the hell, right?  

What will your theme song be in 2011?


There's Evil And Then There's Hamster Evil

They're Out To Get Me

There's Evil And Then There's Hamster Evil

Night one with Hammy wasn’t so bad.  In fact, I think it was so much excitement leaving the pet shop and getting a new cage and being stared at by a ravenous cat with murder in his eyes, he was just plum exhausted and pretty much slept the whole night. 

Enter Cinnamon, or as I like to call him “I’m Pretty Sure You’re Satan.”

Cinnamon, shall we say, is a bit... INSANE. Like COMPLETELY MENTAL. And I'm pretty sure he’s plotting my death.

Night one with I’m Pretty Sure You’re Satan was a wee bit different than with Hammy, who also decided to up his game - by morning I had re-named Hammy to “What The Hell Was I Thinking.”

During the evening, we had I’m Pretty Sure You’re Satan and What The Hell Was I Thinking out in the living room in their cages where the slept, woke up a bit, ate, snooped around the cage and slept again.  Then 8:30 rolled around or in our house what is now referred to as Let The Games Begin.

It was at this point where I’m Pretty Sure You’re Satan started running on his hamster wheel and kept running for the next 3 ½ hours straight.  At first I was feeling a bit of kinship with Satan because god only knows I understand what it’s like to run and run and run on a treadmill and still have the same fat ass. But then at about hour two, I’m all that’s enough with the running, Forrest and I open the cage to take the wheel out. That is when Satan went into a defensive stance and tried to attack me. 

His eyes were glowing.

Hand removed, I was all, "you wanna be one of those marathon runners who dies crossing the finish line Forrest, be my guest. Say hi to your dad when you’re burning in hell."

But the fact remained I still needed to remove the Noiseous Wheelous the next night, otherwise Son No. 1 would turn into a zombie from lack of sleep. I waited until Satan was sleeping and was gently removing said squeaky wheel when, lo and behold, Satan wakes up and goes right into attack mode.  The thing is, he only does it to me – for Son No. 1 he’s all calm and gentle but I get near the cage - Cujo. 

Later on that night I went in to re-tuck the boys before I went to bed.  I kissed, I tucked and then walked over the cage, knelt down and looked inside.  There was Satan staring back at me with accusing, glaring eyes, pissed off that his wheel was gone.  I glared back waiting for him to back down, only he didn’t.  After five minutes I gave up.

As I walked away, I heard him scamper over to his food bowl, stuffing his face to celebrate his win and possibly looking for a pen to write down his plans to kill me.

There’s evil, people….and then there’s hamster evil.

The thing is I could probably live with the hating and evilness and plotting and glowing red eyes and nocturnalism, but what really kills me?  What's set me over the edge? 

He lives in a better house than I do.

You may have won the battle Satan, but you haven’t won the war. 

Bring it.

 RELATED: Choosing a New Pet for the Family