
How to Keep a Hot Lunch HOT - for Hours

by: Erica

How do you keep those hot lunches from going cold? Easy! The trick is to put the hot meal into a hot container, not a cold one. So:

  1. First, bring water to boil in a kettle.
  2. Fill the thermos with boiling water and cover with lid. Let sit for at least 5-10 mins while you heat up your leftovers or prepare your soup, which should be nice and hot.
  3. Carefully lift lid off of thermos and empty water into sink.
  4. Quickly fill with lunch-du-jour and cover immediately with lid.

Voilà! My kids claim it keeps their lunches hot come lunch time. 

Print It Off And Put It On The Fridge: The Ultimate School Lunch Ideas List

P.S. This tip works great for insulated coffee mugs.

Find out How To Keep Veggies Fresh For a BBQ.

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Erica, a married mom to four kids, now comfortably into their teen years, is finally getting her groove back. She believes in loyalty and karma and that, if not for selfies, mothers everywhere would never be in pictures.