
Every New Mom Needs To Read This: Pee First

by: test test

My tip is simple: Pee first.

When you wake up at 1am to the wails of your hungry infant, your first instinct may be to get to the baby as quickly as possible so you can shove their screaming little mouths on your sore boob (or bottle), but I say — Pee First!  

As much as it may pain you to listen to their cry for a few more minutes, keep this in mind: Nothing is more awkward than realizing mid-feed that you REALLY have to pee.

You try to hold it. Get more uncomfortable and eventually realize, you just gotta go. So do you attempt to pee, while the baby is still attached to your boob? (Done it, and trying to get the toilet paper to break off the roll and use it was like an extreme sport). Do you risk making them even angrier by taking them off your boob while you quickly do your business? (Not advised). Do you place them on your cold bathroom floor hoping they won't wake up? (And when was the last time you actually had the engery to clean that floor?).

No, my dear sleep-deprived, emotional basket case, new mom, none of these are wise options.

So I say....just pee first!
