vaginal birth, looking, baby, birth, crowning, partners, comfort level, vagina, comedy, labour, delivery, recovery, sex
If you're having a vaginal birth, do you want your significant other to see the baby come out?
vaginal knitting
What do you think? Is this cutting edge performance art that will demystify the female genitalia or simply a way to seek attention?
Watch the video and tell us: Would you be upset if your kids saw this cartoon?
Is there shock value in using the word vagina? Why?
penis, vagina, genitals, names, kids, toddlers, babies, sexual, sexualized, sexuality, pecker, va-jay-jay
We don't get red in the face when we're teaching our children the name of other body parts so why do we when a penis or vagina is involved?
This is not the first time parents have complained about this particular edition of the diary. How do you feel about the famous book being censored?
I was so excited for my son to start playing with his new bath toys but it turns out his favourite toy is attached to his body.
grooming, pregnancy, vagina, shave, ladyscaping, waxing, sexy
This is titled "I've given up all hope. It's a jungle down there" or the five tips that will help you keep things groomed throughout your pregnancy.