I am not exaggerating when I say: life-changing.
The source of much frustration, much money spent, lessons learned and yet I still don’t know how to dress my lower half.
In the UK, an estimated half of men's underwear sales at Marks & Spencer are by women.
ladies underwear
Ditch the granny panties and throw your boring bras to the curb. It's time to take control of your underwear like this mom did.
Here's a question for you, dear readers. Kids really do say the funniest (truthful) things. What have you heard to make you laugh (and think)? C'mon, spill it!
The state of my underwear drawer was the perfect metaphor for how I felt about myself and my sexuality – basically, one big mess.
Those holey, stained cotton briefs, that pilled bra with the spent elastic you’re spilling out of — that is the equivalent of impostor syndrome.