For a mother, to spend the equivalent of the cost of a college education on one night for their teenager is, in my opinion, inappropriate.
If women would still be in caves without men, I am hip to go cro-magnon.
I’m proud of the entrepreneurial lessons my son is learning from his father and I... even when he’s trying to sell me something.
We’re trying to set the bar a little higher. At the same time, we’re trying to reconcile ourselves with the idea that this might be as good as it gets.
We’re trying to set the bar a little higher. At the same time, we’re trying to reconcile ourselves with the idea that this might be as good as it gets.
It never once crossed my mind that the time would come when he didn’t want me to kiss him anymore.
The Best Birthday Gift You Can Give Your Kids
Simple to do, but it can have an enormous effect on your child.
son becoming a man
This is the year my son becomes a teen so I've put together a plan to help him grow into the man he needs to be.
How do you navigate intolerances or allergies? You start by making sure that YOU understand.