razor pit shaver
Is Razor Pit the pits or should you splurge and spend the $35 on this product that claims to make your razor blades last six times longer.
grooming, pregnancy, vagina, shave, ladyscaping, waxing, sexy
This is titled "I've given up all hope. It's a jungle down there" or the five tips that will help you keep things groomed throughout your pregnancy.
The final frontier: Is hair removal really a sign of subjugation of the female species?
The final frontier: Is hair removal really a sign of subjugation of the female species?
There are a few girls in her class who already shave. But she is not ready. I am not ready. Which leaves me wondering, how will I know when the time is right?
Here's Why Dads Need and Deserve Style Makeovers Too
Before and After: The winner of the YMC Philips Father's Day 'Win a Makeover For The Man In Your Life' got made-over and the must-see results are fantastic.