Dear Breasts: After 13 months of breastfeeding, I look down and wonder, "Where did you go?" You didn't even leave me a note to say good-bye.
How do you feel about lingerie? Does it make you feel more attractive and womanly? Or is it simply compulsory femininity?
grooming, pregnancy, vagina, shave, ladyscaping, waxing, sexy
This is titled "I've given up all hope. It's a jungle down there" or the five tips that will help you keep things groomed throughout your pregnancy.
These days, what with the intense sexualization of children, it seems little girls are no longer content to be sugar and spice; they want to be sexy.
In the year after his child is born, a man feels more attractive—which is ironic since new moms are so sleep deprived they don't remember what he looks like.