The sweetness can always be there; it just changes.
It's Okay for Kids to See Crying |
How this mom is trying to help her kids be okay with uncomfortable emotions, tears and all.
I think our inner voices sometimes tell us that it’s our job to shelter our children from our emotions, except feelings of joy and pride.
 AR - Not every case of depression can be determined with a series of questions, and many people diagnosed with PPD have never experienced depression before, or would know the signs. | Mental Health |
It's time to talk about something that makes a lot of people uncomfortable: mental health.
Depression after weaning is common, but not well understood, and even less often discussed. So, let's talk about it.
living with regret
The wrong words spoken are better than the right ones unsaid. Don't let today pass without saying them.
parenting, sadness, parenting through sadness, depression, kids, toddlers, emotions, crying, PPD,, coping, coping with sadness in a family
How do you put on your "happy parent hat" when you're going through a rough time—what are some things you did that you found helpful?
Children may experience grief for a multitude of different reasons and situations. It’s important for parents and caregivers to offer comforting rituals.