Make Christmas tree crafts by recycling egg cartons.
A creative recycling craft that will keep your kids busy while you get your last minute errands done.
6 Smart Ways To Get Rid of Unwanted Baby Items
Don't throw your old baby things in the trash. Instead use these six smart ways that are good for our planet.
5 Cool Craft Containers Kids Can Make as Gifts - Kids can turn trash into treasures for teachers, grandparents, and friends with a little time and some love. | Upcycling | DIY | Kid-friendly |
Kids can turn trash into treasures for teachers, grandparents, and friends.
Look At What These Kids Are Doing With Landfill Trash
Imagination plus talent equals this sweet-sounding way to upcycle what others no longer want.
How many of these things are you guilty of throwing out today?
A Unique Way To Recycle and Upcycle Your Trash
What do you do with non-recyclable and hard to recycle trash? Up until now you probably just threw it out. Now, thanks to TerraCycle it can be upcycled.
Lighten your load and keep your kids protected from the sun all while recycling this little item you already have at home.
15 Simple Green Actions to Take in 2015
Easy things you can start doing today to make the future better for the earth, you, and your children.