Where there is ruin, there is a hope for treasure.
Learning to have self-confidence | YummyMummyClub.ca
Raising a confident daughter means raising a confident SELF.
I want to show it over and over again to my daughter and say, “THIS! THIS is what is possible for you. You can’t do as much as a man. You can do SO MUCH MORE.”
The advice every parent should follow no matter how attractive their child is.
Many parents like to round out the family with both daughters and sons. This couple from Michigan is crossing their fingers that number 13 will be a girl.
There are so many more lessons I have learned but these five stick out as being fundamentally more important than most.
The day I stopped paying heed to catwalk models and glossy magazines was a glorious day—the feeling of emancipation, instant.
We can tell our daughters every day that they are smart, beautiful, funny, and kind, but the goal is for them to hear it and most importantly, to believe it.