In a refreshing new article in the Washington Post, it seems that there are benefits to having an over-scheduled child.
If having feelings for the bus driver is wrong, we don't want to be right.
It's a game played by exhausted parents around the country—trying to have sex without your kids barging in.
What rock have you been hiding under, Hallmark et al? Where are all the “sweet stepmom” cards?
“They” were right – those people who promised me it would get better – it actually does!
The Underground World of Parenting That We Don't Talk About
There is a litany of things that you keep to yourself about parenting. Now we're spilling the beans.
If you're a parent, you know that you're always waking up. To illustrate this experience, I've made this video. Enjoy. |
If you're a parent, you know that you're always waking up.