You might pick up an important lesson here, too!
Great Educational Shows for Kids on Netflix
French immersion? Science? Young? Old? Something for everybody here.
Is homework a hassle at your house? This teacher thinks you can lighten the load on both you and your kids by doing this.
McDonalds giving away books with Happy Meals |
McDonalds plans to give away 1.5 million books with Happy Meals this February.
Courtney Holmes Iowa Barber
Barber helps get kids ready for school - and hears some great tales in the meantime.
Run, don't walk, to get these books you'll love too. 8 Captivating Authors Who Keep Your Kid's Attention
Skip the sugar and open up a whole new world for your child by giving them this on Valentine's Day.
The next time the thermometer reaches a peak, don’t sweat it out at the park or go stir crazy at home, pack up the kids and head to the library.