It’s high tech vs. low tech. Which will win when it comes to getting people to your LemonAid Stand? You’ll have to try it to find out.
Which recipe will make your Pink LemonAid stand a success? The easy-to-make big batch lemonade or will you shake things up by going unique?
Lemonade Stand
You’ll be giving something where cost is beyond measure because we never know how our small kindnesses impact those around us.
Will you go vintage or create an eye-popping Pink LemonAid Stand to attract your customers?
How You Can Make A Vintage Lemonade Stand
Making Old New Again: Turn an old dresser into a classic LemonAid Stand with this simple DIY tutorial that includes free printables.
5 Easy Ways To Get Visitors To Your Pink LemonAid Stand
Want to raise money for a great cause? Here are a few small actions you can do to drive BIG groups of people to your very own Pink LemonAid stand.
A girl from Vancouver Island is proving to be an inspiration after selling her stuffed animals and donating the proceeds to her local SPCA.
Life handed a 10 year-old girl and her family lemons. So they made lemonade.