pregnancy big bang theory
All it takes is a baby sitting on your pelvis floor and one uncomfortable waddle to the water cooler. The next thing you know you're up to your ass in trouble.
woman thinking
Peeing when you sneeze isn't sexy. Make these three super-sneaky-kegel exercises a part of your new year.
In retrospect, my last ‘rule’ for pregnancy should have been “I was not going to pee down my leg.” | Health |
In retrospect, my last ‘rule’ for pregnancy should have been “I was not going to pee down my leg.”
A DVD so you can work on your peeing problem in the privacy of your home.
In my day to day practice, I see lots of people (even mummies, when they have the time) for various reasons which can be alleviated by simple fit-into-your-day changes.
The exercise that can help you heal after delivery, prevent urinary incontinence, and keep hemorrhoids at day and nobody will ever know you're doing it.